𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣=ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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Your POV

"I'm sorry" he spoke softly before smashing our lips together, his hand cupped my face as I melted into the kiss. My salty tears still fresh on my cheeks making them cold, my heart raced as this was the moment I had been waiting for for years. I snapped out my thoughts quickly as I thought of Talia, I pushed him away from me taking a breath, "Simon we can't do this!" I spluttered out as I looked at his hurt facial expression. "Y/n can we at least discuss this inside," he asked looking around the corridor, "sure come on in" I sighed opening the door.

His tall slender figure stood next to my bed as I stood across from him, "I didn't know you still cared" Simon spoke first looking at the ground. "You don't know a lot of things Simon," I said leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. "I didn't even know you were hurting that much" he looked into my eyes as he spoke and I gave him an annoyed look, "yeah it pretty fucking hurt when the guy I was practically dating introduced his girlfriend to me with my friends surrounding us!" I raised my voice. "We weren't official Y/n and I didn't think you wanted anything serious!" he was the one to shout now making me wince slightly, "Simon if you think I've not been madly in love with you all these yours then you're more clueless than I thought!" I shouted back, silence replaced the tension-filled air, I sighed and walked over and sat on my bed rubbing my temples. "You love me?" he asked slowly turning to face me with a glint of something I couldn't place in his eyes, "Simon please" I started wanting to avoid this, "please call me Si and stop calling me Simon I can't bear it" he pleaded softly. "I can't it hurts to even think of you anymore" I whispered feeling the tears start again, "I think you should go Simon" he shook his head vigorously, "no please just talk to me." I stood up feeling him walk towards me, he placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head upwards. My heart raced as well as my head, I took in a shaky breath "Y/n I always have and always will love you" he spoke tears brimming his eyes, I took a step away again gulping. "Si please just go back to your girlfriend" he looked sadly at the floor before nodding and walking to my hotel room door, "I am really sorry Y/n I'll fix this I promise" he walked out into the corridor and I gave him a sad smile "don't worry about it Simon what's done is done" and with that, I closed the door on him and slumped down feeling my heart break again and the tears fall. 

*The next day*

I woke up to a couple of calls from Freya and a message from Talia, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and opened Talia's message first.

Talia: Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know about you and Simon, we've ended things and I hope there's no bad blood between us xx

You: T don't apologize this was nothing to do with you and ofc we're all good xx

I chose not to respond to her saying they ended things as I knew it wouldn't make me feel any better, I then called Freya explaining what happened with Simon. "I can't believe he said he loved you!" she shouted down the phone, "I know but I don't know if it's a good thing or not Frey" I said back in a sad tone. "You'll do the right thing hun and I'm always here you know" I smiled at her words feeling better, "thanks I'll text you later okay?" the line clicked and I flopped back down on my bed bracing myself for what's next. I knew what I had to do but I knew how hard it was going to be. 

I got ready and headed down to the hotel lobby, I handed back my key card and walked out getting in my uber. I watched as we whizzed by LA, I was trying to stop myself from crying. I'm doing the right thing. Right? I shook my head shaking the thought out and focusing on the journey, it wasn't too long afterward we pulled up to the airport. I took my phone out sending one last text to everyone and explaining a bit more to Freya before heading inside for my flight.

Simon's POV

I woke up this morning a lot better, should I be sadder that I broke up with Talia? I knew the fans would be upset but this was my life and I know they love Y/n. I smiled and picked up my phone reading there was a message from Y/n that had only been sent 2 minutes ago, I smiled wider and clicked on the notification.

Y/n: I'm so sorry but I had to go, I'll miss you. 

I felt my heart shatter as I read and re-read the message over and over again, what did she mean? I text the other asking if they knew but all they said was they received the same thing and nobody knew why. All of a sudden my phone started ringing, I jumped over for it quickly hoping it was Y/n, nope it was Freya. I picked up sighing lightly, "Freya I'm waiting for Y/n to call!" I said wanting her to go already "that could be a while" she spoke back sadly, I stopped my heart beginning to race "what do you mean?" I sat down preparing for the worst but nothing could've prepared me for Freya's next sentence, "she's gone... I don't know where but she text me saying she wasn't returning... Si I'm so sorry" Freya spoke the last sentence slowly and softly as though she was scared I would crack. She was wrong for I was already broken. Y/n was gone. I lost her completely. How could she leave everyone? How could she leave me? 

I snapped out of my thoughts as the door for my hotel room went, I opened it to the group all of them with sad and pained expressions, I let them in holding back my tears, "we're so sorry Si" Freezy spoke placing a hand on my shoulder I nodded lightly. The group went silent as the door went again, I walked over slowly and pulled the door open. "Y/n?" I asked shocked looking at the girl who was crying in front of me, "I'm sorry" she spoke sobbing lightly. I pulled her in my arms and kissed her, "no more sorry okay? I love you" I said looking in her eyes, "I love you too Si" she spoke before we smiled into a kiss. 

(A/N: So I thought of a couple of different endings but I'm happy with this one but let me know any thoughts! Also, I beg of you to request cause ya girl is struggling.)

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