ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤

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A/N: Omg omg omg thank you everyone for over 200 views like this is wild! Here is another Harry imagine cause why not, please request though cause I literally can't think anymore lmao. Also how cute are they in this photo ^^^ like dawww:))

Your POV

I was going to Tomorrowland today with Harry and everyone else, I had spent the last week with Mia trying to find a cute outfit to wear. Mia and I had decided to match, I wore neon pink cycling shorts with a black bikini top and neon pink netted shoulder top thing and a black bumbag (if you don't know what I mean google Mia at Tomorrowland it's her outfit but in neon pink instead). I was getting ready in Harry's bathroom when I heard him shout from his bedroom, "you ready yet?" I laughed at how impatient he was and finished my highlight, "yeah babe just coming!" When I emerged from the bathroom I smiled at Harry as his mouth hung open as he took in my outfit, "Jesus Y/n how did I get so lucky!" I blushed and Harry made his way towards me. "Awk I love you now come on before we are late!" I said giggling pecking Harry on the lips and striding towards the two Cal's waiting downstairs, Harry followed behind glaring at Calfreezy when he gave me a look over "wow Y/n really looking fire!" "Cal watch it," Harry warned earning a smack from me, "thanks Cal" I smiled. 

When we arrived Mia and Will were the first to greet us, Mia squealing and taking me in as Will looked bored before flashing me a cheeky smile. After grabbing drinks we went round to find the others, all the sidemen boys were there as well as the two Cals, Chip, and all the girlfriends. "Oi oi here they are!" Freya shouted watching us approach, I gave her a massive hug "you look so hot Frey!" I said complimenting the beauty in front of me. I hugged and talked to the others before the music started and everyone was starting to get drunker and drunker.

Before Harry and everyone got too drunk we decided to get some photos, I took some with all the girls, some of Will Mia and me and Harry, some with the boys and some of just me Mia and some of just me and Harry. Mia took my phone stand together with you two!" she shouted over the music, Harry grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him as I giggled and smiled at him. The first photo Harry leaned down to whisper in my ear "you're so gorgeous," he whispered making me smile wildly and Mia snapped the shot, we took a few silly ones with me on his back and stuff, then for the last one, I stood next to Harry as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I grabbed his chin cutely. "Aw yous are too adorable!" Talia said catching us, I blushed and thanked her before turning to Harry and kissing him on the lips, when we pulled away he gave me a smile and looked in my eyes.

The rest of the day we just drank, danced and sang together, enjoying good music and the company. I was laughing with Freya when Josh and Harry came up to us starting to dance, we giggled uncontrollably before dancing with our boyfriends. Harry took my hand spinning me around before pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me kissing my head, I pulled out of his grasp and started dancing again closely with him. "Woah let's keep it PG guys!" I heard Cal shout to us, "aha get some bog!" Simon said with Talia wrapped under his arm. I laughed at the two before going to get a drink of water, "are you coming?" I asked Harry taking his hand, he nodded before telling Josh and Ethan where we were going. We weaved between the many sweaty bodies before reaching the water station, Harry and I were both drunk by now, I felt Harry wrap an arm around my waist before leaning on the side of the bar, I followed leaning into him. "I love you ya know," he spoke suddenly catching me off guard, "I love you too bog you know that" I smiled looking into the deep blue pools of his eyes, Harry broke our gaze to grab the bottles of water and held an arm out for me to grab as he ushered us towards the group again.

After many hours of drinking and partying, we stumbled home, Mia and I munching fish and chips whilst Harry, Will, and the two Cals stumbled around in front of us singing. We decided to all go back to Harry and the Cal's, everyone else had gone home. "I said maybeeeeee!" Freezy sang "you're gonna be the one that saves me!" we all joined in belting it out. "And after all!" Harry came over leaning an arm around my shoulders "you're my Wonderwall!" Harry sang into my neck, I giggled at the vibrations and pushed him away to continue eating.

When we reached the flat we all spread out, I grabbed two big T-shirts for Mia and me to change into, which both happened to be Harry's. We giggled in our drunken state and took some cliche cute photos together before joining the boys in the living area, Lux must've gone to bed as he was nowhere to be seen. As if reading my mind Freezy turned to us, "Lux has gone to bed," I nodded and went to sit with Harry. I lay down on the couch my head resting on the arm of the couch and my legs on Harry's lap, he rubbed my feet as we all talked and sang randomly. This was a perfect life, surrounded by all my friends, the perfect boyfriend, and all carrying on after the most amazing day out. I watched Harry smile and laugh along, I really was in love.

A/N: Okay, so this one sucked, after all, lmao sorry but hoping to post a lot today and tomorrow.

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