𝔼𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 ℙ𝕒𝕪𝕟𝕖

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(A/N: Sorry for not updating in awhile I've just had really bad writers block but I'm hopefully back!)

Your POV

"Y/n are you okay?" Freya asked me softly with her arm around me tightly, I shook my head sadly tearing up a little, "oh hun don't cry have a seat!" she cried out ushering me over to the couch. I swallowed thickly and took a seat, I tried not to let her see my lip and whole bady trembling, "what's wrong?" she questioned with a concerned expression. "It's Ethan" I replied simply not wanting to actually say the next words out loud, "he broke up with me" I sobbed out finally letting myself let go of my emotions that had built up. 

"Oh hun I'm so sorry" she moved to fully embrace you, I just let myself cry in her arms, my whole body racked with sobs, "you two were going so well why did he end it?" she quizzed. "He wouldn't say but we both know exactly why" I breathed out as my sadness was quickly over taken with anger, "surely Simon wouldn't do that" Freya reassured but not convinced herself, "I don't know Frey but I'm going to stay with him for a bit so I'll ask him tonight" I sniffled out wiping my eyes.

I got an Uber to Simon and JJ's a little while later, the wholde drive I couldn't help but let Ethan's words swirl around my head. 

*earlier that day* 

"We need to talk" Ethan breathed out taking my hand in his as we sat on the couch, my smile dropped a little as I caught on to the seriousness in his face and tone, "erm okay sure what about?" He looked away from me and let out a sigh before turning back around gloomily, "I think we should take a little break" he almost whispered out, I felt my pulse quicken and my throat go dry. "What? why?" I choked out, "I just think it's all a bit much and we need to distance ourselves is all" he explained still stroking my hand in his comfortingly. I snatched my hand away "bullshit tell me the truth" I said blinking back tears nipping at my eyes, "what do you mean? that is the truth" he answered looking away from me again. "You're lying to me, it's not cause of that is it? it's Simon" I snapped nodding my head as the pieces began to fit together in my head, Ethan snapped his head to me shaking it furiously "this has nothing to do with him" he spoke pleadingly, he scooted closer to me and I stood up quickly, 

"He said something didn't he" I continued shaking my head not wanting him to see me cry, "Simon had nothing to do with this Y/n just stop!" Ethan suddenly shouted making me flinch. "So that's it?" my tears begin to fall, cursing myself I wiped them away quickly, "love please don't cry" Ethan pleaded standing up, "no don't touch me I'm going to go" I quickly spoke grabbing my bag and phone. "Y/n wait please-" I didn't let Ethan finish as I slammed the door and headed for Freya's holding back my sobs.

*back to present*

I stepped inside the boys' apartment to be met with the smell of pasta, Talia must be over, "hello?" I called out softly voicing my entrance. "Y/n" Talia called from the kitchen and I went to join her, desperately trying to not let her see my red puffy eyes or tear stained cheeks, but alas she knew me too well, "have you been crying?" she asked walking towards me shocked. I couldn't help but break down again and fall into her arms, "shh it's okay, Simon!" she softly said before shouting. Simon came rushing in "what is it?" he asked smiling before hearing my cries and seeing me holding onto Talia, "Y/n what's wrong?" I left Talia's side to grab my brother's waist, grabbing his shirt and crying into it, "you're alright" he cooed before taking me to sit down.

After a cup of tea and explaining what happened to Talia, Simon amd JJ I was only sniffling now and then giggling along to JJ playing with his hamsters. "Did he say why exactly?" Talia suddenly asked making the thoughts of anger appear again, I snapped my head suddenly to Simon "no not exaclty" I said through gritted teeth. Simon fidgeted in his seat nervously avoiding my glare, "what exactly did he say?" he pushed me on with a guilty tone, "what do you hope he didn't say Si?" I said raising my eyebrow accusingly. 

"I don't know what you're insinuating Y/n but this had nothing to do with me" Simon said stadning up defensively, "I think we both know you weren't the most keen on the idea of Ethan and I dating and now after  everything going smoothly Ethan turns to me randomly saying he needs space? don't you think that's weird" I said standing up to face him. "Look all I said was that maybe you two weren't right for each other" he suddenly rushed out and my harsh stare dropped to one of hurt and betrayal, "what the fuck why would you say that?" I questioned and he dropped his shoulders, "I don't know I just didn't want you getting hurt" he explained himself trying to reach for me but I backed away. "No Si instead you've hurt me more than he ever could" I turned away from the group rushing for the door, "wait Y/n where are you going?" Simon pleaded, "I'm going to get my boyfriend back" I snapped before stepping out into the lobby and race for the stairs.

I pounded on Ethan's door, "what is it- Y/n?" Ethan said surprised at the sight of me, I didn't answer him as I flung myself into his arms kissing him passionately, "I'm so sorry" he sobbed out after we broke away. "It's alright love" I assured taking his face in my hands, "but don't ever try that again" I laughed and he chuckled softly taking me inside the flat. 

(A/N: sorry this sucks but I wanted to update desperately and this was the best I could do :(. )

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