Chapter two

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Tony's p.o.v.

She just ran away. I needed too see if she was okay, my brother can be such an idiot at some times. When I got to her room I heard that she was crying, then I knocked on the door. Then she open her door and she was even beautiful with her tears falling from her cheeks.

Y/n: H-hi Tony what are u doing here?

Tony: Hey.. I just wanted to see how you are doing my brother can be such a d*ck sometimes, I'm sorry.

Y/n: Oh, thanks or well it isn't your fault. He may be telling the truth after all...

Tony: Hey! Don't think so! Why would Josh waste a good change to be with a beautiful girl like you?

Y/n: Aww, thanks...

Tony: And if he was cheating don't cry over a boy that dosen't deserve you, okay??

Y/n: Okay, I'm rly tired I'm going to sleep now and for real this time. Thank you Tony, nice talking with you.

Tony: You can always count on me.

She looked the door, and then I went too sleep myself. I mean for real how could Josh just cheat on a girl like her.

At the morning
Your p.o.v.
I woke up and felt a bit better, well not okay but better. I should trust my boyfriend but something changed after Ondreaz told me what he saw. I took a quick shower and put a red t-shirt on and some black sweatpants. After I put some light makeup on and went down stairs. There the most of the group was eating breakfast.

Y/N: hi guys

Tony: Hey how are you???

Y/n: I'm fine

Tony: Ok,come and sit and eat breakfast.

You sat next to Tony and Avani. They had made pancakes and they looked soo yummy!

Avani: So, what are we doing today guys?

Chase: I don't have a clue, we could may go to the beach??

Charlie: That would be fun!

Chase: Y/n your in??

Y/n: Idk, I think I better go visit Josh at the Sway houses and talk to him face to face.

Tony: Yeah do that, better know the truth from him.

Y/n: Yeah, could someone drive me?

Chase: I'll do it!

Tony: Uhmm you can't drive... U will easily die if you go with him. Thomas tried to teach him but well it went like hell. I will take u if u want.

Y/n: Well now I'm scared of Chase driving so okay Tony.

Chase: Hey!!!! I'll bet that I'm way better than you Y/n!

Y/n: Lol NOOO

Tony drove me to the Sway house. We were listening at music on the way there. Then Shawn Mendes song Treat you better was on the radio.

Y/n: Oh I love this song!!!!

Tony: It's ok

Y/n: OKAYYYY??? Are you kidding me this is Shawn Mendes he's the best!

Tony: I'm way better at singing!

Y/n: Yeah sure, hahahah. SING then! Prove that you are better!

Tony: Uhmm, not now I don't sing to bad songs.

Y/n: Hey don't you dare say that!

You laughed the rest of the way there while Tony trying to sing. All I can say is that he's not better than Shawn Mendes!

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