Chapter sixty five

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Nick's p.o.v

I fired the bullet and it was almost to freaking close. The bullet came exactly right over Bryce's head. It felt like everything went on slow motion in that moment but then.

"FBI DROP YOUR GUNS!" Andrew yelled and was already inside the building with maybe around 20 other FBI agents some more than Addison's uncle's gang.

"DIDN'T I MAKE IT CLEAR DROP THE GUNS ALL OF YOU!" Andrew yelled and everyone dropped their guns

"NICK DROP YOUR DAMN GUN!" Addison yelled at me and I dropped my gun.

Everything went so fast, but I hope that Andrew is just pretending bc he arrested me too then he took me to the interrogation room after talking with the others around 3 hours. And then took the handcuffs off me

"Wow! Good freaking job kid" Andrew said and gave me a friendly hug.

"Thanks to you I mean you're keeping Addison arrested right?" I asked

"Yeah if you guys also get some proof of the other things she has done you can make her time in jail even longer bc it'snot long enoughright now" Andrew told me

"Good uhm did you tell them I was the one who was working with you?" I asked

"No that's why we arrested you too" Andrew told me

"But like I said you did a really good job kid, you literally was undercover two times in one. Only be undercover once it's hard for some people but you did it so well" Andrew said

"But before you go we need to interview you and so on if it is okay?" Andrew asked

"Y-yeah sure" I said and looked down sad. I just wanted to go back to Y/n and tell her everything is okay and that I love her. Shit I started to cry

"Are you okay kid?" Andrew asked me

"Yeah it fine, just exhausted" I lied

"You have lied to many here but you can't lie to me, is it about that girl? What's her name again?" Andrew asked me. Woah I have work with him for like a week and he knows me so well.

"Yeah her name is Y/n-" I said and Andrew opened the door.

There she was, she stood outside the door and had a tear falling down her cheek. She didn't say a thing until...

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