_Chapther thirty three_

688 13 1

Your p.o.v

We got home from target and then Thomas was waiting for us.

"Hey! I was just telling the others that were here we are having a party tomorrow. And don't worry it will just be us and the Sway House" Thomas said

"Sway house?!" Tony asked

"Yeah they are all coming! Ohh sry Y/n I know you have history with Josh" Thomas said

"Nah that dosen't matter I don't need to spend time with him anyway" I said

"Wait but Josh-" Tony started panicking. Aww he rly cared abt me

"He changed" I said back

"Who's Josh?" Nick asked

"Oh right! Just an ex" I said

"Oh okay. Tell me if he bothers-" Nick said but got interrupted

"Nick helppp!!" Addison screamed

"Alright babe!" Nick said

"Sure you all right?" Tony asked me

"Yeah, I rly think he changed. The last time I saw him at the party-" I said and I started to feel bad. I started thinking abt Addison drugging me, Josh getting punched and Nick-

"Hey are you okay?" Tony asked me

"Y-yeah I need some air" I said and went outside

"Is there something you haven't told me? What party?" Tony asked me

"Okay I'll tell you, just don't be mad at Addison alright?" I said to Tony.

I told him the WHOLE story, when Addison drugged me, Nick punching Josh, Josh finally helping and Nick telling me he liked me in the car right before the accident, all of it.

"Where is that b*tch, I'm going to kill her!" Tony said

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