■Chapther twenty six■

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Chase p.o.v

"Okay so let's play but Addison help me out and help me get some drinks" I said

"I can help you!" Y/n said

"Nah, I kinda need to talk to Addison anyway" I said

"Okay?" Addison said and followed me

"You know Chase, whatever Y/n has told you she is lying" Addison said

"Don't you think I know she's lying? That's why I'm talking with you, I'm sick about her crushing on Nick." I lied

"Oh, I like how u think. Do you have a plan?" Addison asked

"Yeah actually, I mean Y/n likes Nick and she thinks he liked her before the crash for some weird reason so you have to make clear that Nick likes YOU" I said, Addison was believing it

"Alright...So what do u think I need to do?" Addison asked

"Do exact the same thing, ask Nick to kiss the prettiest girl in the room. I mean he will definitely kiss you now. Then Y/n will realize that Nick dosen't like her at all" I suggested

"Good idea! I'll think about it" Addison said

Y/n p.o.v

Huh weird, why does Chase want to talk to Addison? Anyway they're done now. We played, and like usually at first it was kinda boring but then thing started.

"Truth or dare Tony" Alex asked

"Truth.." Tony answered

"Alright me and Kouvr have talked abt it and we think you have been acting wierd lately, I think all of us think that. So tell us what rly happend" Alex said

"Goshh why does everyone think something is up! Anyway switch to dare" Tony said

"Alright bro, I dare u to tell us what is happening, I think all of us wants to know" Alex said

"Okay then! It's just that I rly like this girl like a lot! But then I knows she likes someone else! So I'm doing this to push her away to just forget her! Okay?!" Tony yelled

"Hey Tony, maybe chill a bit-" Ondreaz started

"Don't tell me to freaking chill, now all of u know! Just keep this game going.. Addison you can ask the next question." Tony interrupted Ondreaz

"Oh, alright" Addison said

"Truth or date Uhmm Nickyyy!" Addison said

"Uhmm dare?" Nick answered

"Okay, uhmm kiss the prettiest girl in the room" Addison said

"Addison you know what happend last time-" Avani told Addison

"Whatever. Now it's going to be alright. So Nick do it" Addison said

Nick's p.o.v

I don't know why, I just- something just told me. I could do the right thing and lie or the wrong thing but being honest. Addison talked, and told me to do it I guess I was just confused so I went over to
Y/n... and kissed her.

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