Chapther seventeen

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Your p.o.v

There he was, Josh was on the floor with blood on his face. Karma I guess...

"Y/n are you okay?!" Nick said looking at me worried

"Yeah,I'm fine.." I said back

"What the hell Nick, I told you to not go up here-" Addison said and was surprised to see me.

"Oh, Y/n are u alright? What is Josh doing here?" She said and Josh stood up.

"Stop lying you s*ut!" Josh said

"And between, y'all from Hype House seems to be enjoying punching me!" Josh continued

"Well they have reason, stop being so annoying and I may stop" I said

"Addison you knew about all this didn't you?" Nick said looking at her

"What- how are you accusing me for this, I thought we where good??" She said

"Oh come on! Your blind! I didn't came for you! I heard you talking to Josh on your phone that night. I was coming to apologize and heard your plan. I'm here just for one person in this room" Nick said

"Aww me Nick?" Josh said ironically

"Addison?" I said with tears running

"You don't believe him right?" She said to me

"Okay, I think it went to far! I know it's kinda my fault, but I need to change. Y/n I know you'll never trust me again, but trust Nick. He's telling the truth" Josh said looking at me, he actually looked serious

"Hey Y/n are you going to believe those liars??" Addison said looking at me

"Oh call me whatever you want but not a liar! I didn't kiss you that night Addison bc I was honest! I kissed the prettiest girl but also the best gril in the room." Nick said screaming at Addison

"Nick? Can you take me home??" I said


"I know, but I guess some of us lie for a good reason" I said

"Let's go Y/n" Nick said

"What and are y'all leaving me here?!" Addison screamed

"That's true guys, don't leave her here all alone" Josh said

"Thanks Josh-" Addison said.

"Give her some money for the bus,lol" Josh said and left laughing

"KARMA IS A B*TCH, just like you" was the last I heard Josh say.

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