°Chapther fourty five°

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Your p.o.v

I left, I freaking panicked! Both of them just told me they loved me! What am I supposed to say?!

"Your f*cking dead man!" Was the last thing I heard

I needed to think, alone. I just couldn't say a thing. "I know now?!" What the heck! And even worse I couldn't say a thing to Nick.

Tony's p.o.v

I was so angry but I just couldn't fight Nick, he was still one of my best friends

"I can't fight you.. why do you love her bro?" I asked Nick

"Wow where do I start? I just felt something the first time we met she just filled my whole heart with joy and she was the only one I could see in that moment.. her and her beauty. Then when you guys started dating my heart broke, but I just wanted to see her happy so I needed to except the fact I wasn't the one making her smile.. she's beautiful like a angel from the sky and is so good hearted to everyone. And she made me remember who I was, I'll always be thankful for that... you know what bro she likes you go get her" Nick said.

Shit he was deeply in love with her... more than I was actually...

"Alright bro, I'll talk to her" I said and went to her room

"Y/n?" I said while I entered her room

"Tony- please don't-" she said crying

"I didn't get it before, now I do.. You are meant to be with Nick.." I said

"What are you saying Tony?" She asked me confused 

"I didn't get your relationship before now I kinda do.. I wasn't there for you all times you needed.. but Nick was..Josh cheating on you.. our break up, all this freaking drama. You guys have a relationship I could never have with you..he was trying to be okay when we were together just to see you smile..you made him remember...YOU Y/N" I said smiling

"That's one of the many reasons that proves that he loves you.. you shouldn't be with me.. we broke up for a reason.. you shouldn't be with me bc I broke you heart and you think us will repair it... it won't. I told you I loved you and I really do and you couldn't say it back bc you love him" I said

"Tony... I just don't want to hurt you and I do love you... I just love him more.." she said sadly

"I understand that..he's waiting for you, go!" I said

"Thanks!" She said and gave me a hug

Your p.o.v

I ran up back to the pool when most of the guys were trying to make Nick feel better. Then I went over to him and he looked up to me

"Y/n... what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Tony?" Nick said red from crying.

"I love you Nick.. I have always loved you. I don't even know it's possible to love someone as much as I do love you" I said

"Wait you do?" Nick asked me with a smile

"I love you Nick Austin, always  have and will always do" I said and he stood up and looked at me

"I love you too" Nick said and kissed me

The best kiss of my life...

(A/n: ops pretty long chapther, whatever thanks for reading and if you like this and maybe Shawn Mendes or Tom Holland check out my other stories! Stay safe)

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