Chapther ten ♧

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Two weeks later

Your p.o.v

Tony has been kinda distant lately,and well weird. But I'm talking to him later. When I woke up I put this on:

I went down stairs and started making tik toks,first with Chase and then with Nick

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I went down stairs and started making tik toks,first with Chase and then with Nick. But then I saw him.. Tony just entered the door and was holding a girl in his hand.

"Hi,uhm who are you" I asked the blond girl

"Hey,I'm Tony's date, fun right?" She said happily

"Uhm Tony? Aren't we together?" I shouted

"Well we just went on two dates, and it felt like all ended that night we met Josh, I mean your clearly not over him." He said while looking down

"Huh,f*ck yourself Tony!" I screamed while running upstairs

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Nick said

Nick's p.o.v

Is he f*cking dumb?!? Well yes he is! What was he thinking!!! I mean Y/n is amazing and he just screwed his chance with her.

"Are u stupid??" I asked.

"Or well let me answer... YES YOU ARE!" I screamed

And then I went to Y/n's room. There she was crying in the corner of her room.

"Hey, you'll be okay" I said.

"Yeah..right..." she just said and looked in my eyes.

Wow she's beautiful, how didn't I realize that earlier!? Even when she's crying she looked perfect, just like this imaginary girl you thought you never see. HEY FOCUS NICK!

"I promise you will get better, believe me, I'm here. Okay?" I said

"Okay... Thanks Nick. You know I rly liked Tony now I see he's just more messed up then I am."

"I kind of feel bad for him, but anyway" she continued

"Your not messed up, your.. your  easily the strongest and nicest person I know, and I know a lot of people." I said and meant every word.

"Aww, thank you" she said and a little smile appeared.

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