◇Chapther twenty seven◇

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Chase p.o.v

He kissed her it worked! Now he just must remember! Everything went like it should've but then it all screwed up!

"Oh shit sry Y/n, I was being stupid! I wanted to kiss you love" Nick said and looked at Addison

"Why did you kiss her?" Addison asked

"I rly don't know! It just happend bc some wierd feeling told me to do that, I rly wanted to kiss you babe, you are the most beautiful girl in this entire world" Nick said

"Aww alright, now kiss the right girl babee" Addison said and they leaned into a kiss.

Shit I rly thought this would help Nick to bring his memories back, anyway I need to talk to Y/n she just ran away after that.

"I'm so sry Y/n I rly thought that would help, I just rly miss my guy best friend.." I apologized to Y/n

"It's- it's alright...I just can't take it.." Y/n said

Next morning

Your p.o.v

I'm rly feeling bad. It was my 18th birthday just a week ago and I hate it! The only one Nick rly trust is Addison. And everything is so messed up here in the hype house.

We are moving in 3 weeks and still everyone believes Addison. And they wouldn't believe me, she has been in the hype house wayyy longer then I had so. Anyway I think I need to talk to Tony, he seemed so sad last night.

"Tony? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked while I entered his room

"Sure, what's up?" He said and rly sounded irritated

"Uhm I know this kinda piss you off but you rly seemed sad last night, wanna talk abt it?" I asked Tony

"Why do you still care??" Tony asked confused

"I thought we were all right, you know we had a rly good time before my birthday party" I said

"Oh please! I just did that so they could do the surprise." Tony said

"Yeah sure, and why I care abt you??? I'm still your friend!" I said

"Yeah, just my friend.." Tony said looking down at the floor

What, did he still like me? Am I the girl he was talking abt last night?

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