Chapther fifty six

452 4 12

Your p.o.v

I just wish to hold him for a while, nothing else. I miss him so damn much and I'm worried af. I know it has only been a week now but I'm at this stupid lakehouse when we could be dead somewhere.

Nick's p.o.v

I miss her, I just want to hold her in my arms. But I can't, not now, not in a while.

Addison took me to Prag I think she said she needed to do something here.

"Nick can you just understand, I love you and I think you love me bc why else would you be here?" Addison said

"You wish" I muttered

"Uhg fine! I'll let you talk to my uncle. He may give you a job" Addison said

"But I can't promise you anything" she added

"..thanks" I replied

Your p.o.v

I felt like I needed to get out of bed sometime so I slowly went to the bathroom and took a shower, then I put some clothes on and went to the kitchen.

"Hi Y/n, how are you?" Kouvr asked me

"I have been better.." I answered

"But you have been worse" Chase added

"True.." I said and went to take some food.

"You wanna do something today
Y/n?" Tony asked me

"I rather not, I hope you understand" I said and he nodded

"I'm going back to my room" I said after I ate the leftovers from yesterday.

"Let's watch a movie" Kouvr said and came in with a laptop and some snacks.

"I don't know" I said

"I brought some masks too! And nail polish we can have a kinda small spa! We girls need to stick together" she said

"Okay..thanks" I said

Nick's p.o.v

Addison uncle weirdly seemed to trust me.

"Okay, so can you track Bryce? I have some undone business with him" he said

"Wait what kind of-" I asked

"Do you want this job or not?" He asked

"Yes sir I do, so uhm does this mean we're going back to LA?" I asked him

"Yes, and if you find him try playing his friend so you can bring him to me later" he said

"So you want me to go undercover?" I asked him

"Yes, is it going to be too hard or what?" He asked

"No no I don't think so, how hard can it be, right?" I said

"Addison is waiting for you in the airport, I'll come later go now" he said

I went to the FBI and told them everything

"Do what he says" Andrew (the FBI who helps him if you have forgotten, lol I forgothis name for a second) said

"But wait he kinda said it like he wanted to kill Bryce I can't let that happen I mean I f*cking  hate him but I can't let that happend" I insisted

"You're a good kid, and I promise you we will make sure he's going to make this alive. Just do whatever they tell you to do, okay?" Andrew said

"Okay" I said and then left to the airport. Addison was waiting for me and asked how it went

"Good he gave me a job! Thanks Addison I guess I have been wrong abt you. Now I understand" I said

"Aww I knew you would realize!"she said and kissed me! Hell nahh!

"Uhm, take it slow maybe?" I asked while pulling away

"Yeah ofc everything thing for you Nicky!" She said and hugged me

Uhgg I hope this is going to be over soon! I can't deal with this for much longer. But I'm doing this thing right now! So I have to try keep going, for Y/n.

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