Chapther sixteen

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Addison p.o.v

Well this was just the beginning, but that's isn't my job. I know the person who will help me will do it. Now it's going good with Nick, he's sooo nice but he also seems like he's looking for something. Anyway, he may just heard something weird

"I rly enjoyed this time with you Nick" I said

"Yeah same,but shouldn't we go, everyone's looking at your friend. She's not my friend anymore but she's still yours?" Nick said.

"Ah, you mean Y/n, she dosen't care. She even told me she wanted to stay longer" I said.

"Okay.." Nick said looking at me

Your p.o.v

Shitt,is it him?? Crap I gotta go!

"Y/n wait!" He screamed. But I kept moving. I just can't talk to him now, or ever!

"Wait for God's sake!" He said and now grabbed my arm. And hard.

"Hey Josh, now let go of me!" I screamed

"Come on, I want to get back. We are meant to be together" Josh said looking at me

"HA!FUNNYYY" I said trying to leave. But I was so weak, this was weird. He took me and now drag me upstairs

"What the hell are you doing???"  I screamed.

"I've heard, your making out with everyone. Now it's my turn!" He said

"Let go of me!" I screamed

"I know you want me" he said looking at me

"Come on let go of me, I have been drinking and-" I said but he interrupted

"Only? You seem to be to week for just been drinking" he said

"What do you mean?" I said looking at him

"Aww, you always think the best of people. Your "friend" Addison just drugged you" he said

"What, stop lying! Let go of me"  I said but he was already on the floor with blood all over him.

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