Chapther fifty three

441 7 0

Your p.o.v

I woke up and felt terrible, like there was no meaning with life. Nick left me and it has only been one day without him but it feels like an eternity. How can I know he's safe?

"Y/n?" Chase said knocking on the door and then went inside to the room

"Y-yeah?" I responded weakly

"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, it's 2 pm and you still haven't eaten breakfast, that's your favorite meal of the day" Chase said

"I know..." I told Chase, he always knew me so well

"C'mon, let's see a movie or something" Chase said to cheer me up

"I don't want tooo" I said

"We'll find Nick, I miss him too Y/n..but I know he just want you to be happy so please get out of bed and let's do something" Chase said begging

"N-" I started and then Chase looked at me seriously

"Fine!!!" I said and stood up

"Good, see you outside in twenty minutes" Chase said and left the room

Yesterday right before we went to the lakehouse we went and bought some clothes but now me and Chase were going to buy some food at an little supermarket nearby.

We went inside and it looked exactly the same as 5 years ago. I remember when we were small and went here to buy candy.

"Y/n? Chase?!" a ginger haired guy screamed Wait I recognize that voice! At first I didn't recognize the guy but then!

"Cody?!" I asked

"Yeah..nice to see you guys it has been what? 5 years?!" Cody said.

Wow it has rly been 5 years since I saw Cody. He was our best friend but then we stopped coming to Chase's lakehouse so we sadly didn't keep contact. The last time I saw him he was 13, now he's 18! Well I could tell it's a glow up!

"Hey man! How have you been?" Chase asked

"Pretty good and I can see that you guys are still friends" Cody said

"Yeah.." I said. Then it was quiet for a while.

"Sooo..what brings you guys here?" Cody asked us

"Uhm.." I started and didn't know if I was going to tell the truth

"Just hanging out with some friends" Chase said

"Oh cool..." Cody said and it went quiet again, he seemed pretty sad. Maybe alone?

"You should come later tonight Cody" I said from nowhere and Chase looked at me

"Oh I don't want to bother you guys" Cody said

"No! I insist, nine?" I asked Cody

"Alright! See you guys then" Cody said and left

"Y/n! I mean I rly like Cody but what if someone says something and I rly don't want to lie to him" Chase said

"It's going to be fine, trust me " I said and we left too

"We're having a party!" I said when I went inside to the livingroom

"Y/n you better be kidding" Tony said

"We can't have a party now" Kouvr said

"Why not? I already invited someone" I said

"Alright let's have a party!!!" Josh yelled

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