Chapther fourteen

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Addison's p.o.v

What the hell do Nick see in
Y/n, she just so annoying and trying to play all innocent. I guess that's why Josh cheated and Tony didn't want her. Well they're safe now at least. Wait! I need to have revenge,and I neeeeed Nick. We are meant to be! I know it has been around a week and I should be over it, but I have a real plan now.

"Hii,Y/n can I talk to you?" I said to her. Ugh I'm annoyed just seeing her

"What, uhm yeah ofc" she said

"I was to hard on you, it isn't your fault he likes you, or well you're so nice and so on but it isn't your fault" I said, wow it's easy lying

"And that means?" She asked me

"Yes, I forgive you. Your my friend after all" I lied

"Yay, thanks Addsion!"

"Let's do something,just us. Wanna go to a party?? It is in a friend's house. " I asked her

"Uh, I mean yes let's do it!" She said back confused

Your p.o.v

Well, all this Addiaon thing seems a little bit weird. Firat ignoring me.for a week and now she invites me to a party. Anyway if this means we will get back to be friends I'm in.....

To continue.....

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