¤Chapther thirty seven¤

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Your p.o.v

I can't keep lying to everyone, how am I supposed to say this?

"We should go back so nobody suspects us" Josh said

"Yeah, good idea" Tony said

"Wow, now you like my ideas!" Josh said

"We just have to pretend nothing happend, that everything is normal" I said

"Yeah, if someone ask just say that- shit what are we going to say?!" Tony said

"Just say that I wanted to be  Y/n boyfriend again or something, I think even Addison will buy it" Josh said

"Yeah, that sounds good" I said

"But we need to tell everyone soon, we can't keep lying" Josh said

"True" Tony said

We went inside and like we expected some of them asked and I think they bought the story. Chase knew that I was lying tho.  So he took my arm and dragged me to his room

"What happened, rly?" Chase asked

Well I told him the whole story, he couldn't believe it either

"But wait, why does Tony know?" Chase asked me

"Idk I just trust him" I said

"Yeah sure, you like him again don't you?" Chase asked me. Well he knew when I was lying so I just told him the truth 

"Yeah, but we want to keep thing slow for the moment" I said

"Alright.. I need to talk to Tony" Chase said and left

Chase p.o.v

"Tony!" I screamed

"Yeah, wazzup bro?" Tony asked me

"Just- she is my best friend. Just didn't hurt her this time. Okay?" I asked him seriously

"I was stupid, I could never hurt her now" Tony said

"Why do you say that? You could've said the same thing last time" I asked him, he rly needed to give me a good reason

"I know better know, I could never hurt her now because I love her" Tony said

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