Chapter sixty four

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Your p.o.v

I guess it's over..he just left me again. I mean I kinda get it I just said I wanted him dead but c'mon he must known that's not what I really meant. Sadly enough your love for someone dosen't just disappear in a minute.

When he said "I'm going back to my girlfriend" it broke my heart. I choose Nick for many reasons, but one of them was because I really thought it would last.I felt like I could trust him, I knew he would always have my back. But I was wrong.

Nick's p.o.v

Shittt! Andrew better f*cking show up! Addison's uncle just looked at me and waited for me to take his gun.

"Uncle I don't know if he should do it-" Addison said

"If he do this I'll f*cking trust him and give him a better job" Addison's uncle insisted then I heard Andrew talk to me in the mic

"Kid, do you hear me?" Andrew said

"Take the gun and pretend to shoot and try to shoot over his head but before try to keep a little conversation" Andrew continued

"I'll do it, I would like to do this" I said and received the gun

"Man what the hell did I do to you?!!" Bryce yelled

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled

"You don't have to do this babe"  Addison said

"I want to it's okay" I said to her

"Y/n is not going to forgive you man! Not for this!" Bryce yelled

"Don't f*cking say her name!" Addison yelled

"Y/n Y/n Y/n! And he loves Y/N not to your f*cking b*tch!-" Bryce yelled to Addison

"Okay shoot him! Or I will!" Addison said

"For real just f*cking shoot him!" Addison's uncle yelled at me

"I'm abt to!" I said and pointed the gun at Bryce. Then I fired the bullet...

(A/n note: Heyy! Thanks for reading! I would really appreciate if you would read some of my other stories. Oh and I'm reallyyyyy bored so if someone wants to talk be free to talk to me abt everything from Corona to TV-series. Anyway stay safe xx)

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