》Chapther thirty《

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Tony's p.o.v

I rly can't believe this! She gave me another chance! This- this is the best thing that happend! I'm so freaking happy!

We went into livingroom that was surprisingly empty.

"Ohh I want to watch deadpool again!" She said

"What do you like marvel?" I asked

"Nah..I love marvel!" Y/n said

"Gooood! Let's watch deadpool, the first or the second?" I asked

"First is the best!" She screamed

"Goshh, you're the best!" I said and we started to watch deadpool, we were so close she had her head on my shoulder, I loved it!But only like 10 minutes into the movie someone interrupted us.

"So what are we watching?" Nick said and jumped into the sofa and sat in the middle of us. Perfect timing ugh!

"We are watching deadpool" Y/n said to Nick

"Ohh I have heard good things abt this movie!" Nick said and was making himself comfortable

"Yeah you rly liked this movie bro, where's Addison? Leaving your girl alone?" I asked

"Uhm-uhm Idk I think she's making a tik tok or something and I don't think she cares if I watch a movie" Nick said and took some doritos

"Alright" Y/n said and looked at me. I picked up my phone and texted her:
"Lol, I hope this is okay"

"Yeah, we do something just us later"

"Can't wait!"

"Me neither"


"Who are you texting Y/n? Come on we are watchinga movie, right Tony?" Nick asked and I quickly put my phone away

"Yeah rudeee" I said jokingly and she got it

"It was my uhm mom, she uhm wanted to ask if I was good" She said

"Oh okay.." Nick said and looked at her weirdly. I think he noticed she lied.

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