>Chapter thirty two<

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Your p.o.v

I woke up today and had an amazing evening with Tony yesterday and well also Nick. I put this on:

Then I put some everyday makeup and went downstairs

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Then I put some everyday makeup and went downstairs. There was Nick and Addison eating.

"Hey Y/n!" Nick said

"Hi!" I said back, Addison totally ignored me.

"Y/n! What was your favorite part of the movie last night?" Nick asked

"Ohhh just stop talk abt last night!" Addison said

"Oh sorry, babe" Nick said and kissed Addison's cheek

"Want to do something?" I asked them both

"No" Addison said

"Yes" Nick said

"He ment no" Addison said

"Oh please just bc he's you boyfriend dosen't mean it's you who's in charge of him" I said

"Yeah but who will make his decision he dosen't remember a damn thing!" Addison said

"Wow wow wow, girls chill. We are moving in a week and we need to go to target to buy some stuff" Tony said entering the kitchen

"True" I said

"Alright, me and Nick are in" Addison said

"But didn't you just say-" Nick said

"But I changed my mind!" Addison said

"Did I hear target? Me and Kovur want to come with" Alex said.

"Oh me and Anthony too!" Avani said

"Yay, the more the better" I said

Tony's p.o.v

Kouvr and Alex were going to sit in Nick's car with Addison. Then Avani and Anthony were going to sit in my car. Now's Y/n left, she will probably go with me.

"Y/n are u coming?" I asked

"Nah, she'll come with us" Nick said

"Who said that?" Y/n asked

"I have much better music taste, so good music if u sit in my car" Nick said

"There's where you're wrong, I have better taste. And I have more space" I said

"But we can talk abt the movie last night" Nick said to Y/n

"Nick! She can talk abt the damn movie with Tony! Come on!" Addison said

"You know what, you chose Y/n" I said

"I'll choose you!" Y/n said to me

"Fine, your lost" Nick said and went into his car.

We were in target and we actually met Brent Rivera there. We made a round of the floor is lava for his channel but then we kept shopping.

"Help! I can't reach this someone help me please?" Y/n said

"I'll help you!" I said but Nick was already there

"There you have!" Nick said

"Aww thanksss" Y/n said

"Nick help me I can't reach the paint!" Addison screamed

"Uhmm Addison you are holding the paint" I said

"Oh right thanks Tony!" She said ironically

Wow she rly wanted attention, especially from Nick. It actually kinda wierd that he hasn't paid so much attention on her tho.

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