Chapter sixty two

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Nick's p.o.v

Who the hell was that Cody! I left the room because I couldn't handle it anymore. I went to talk with Bryce, I was here for talking to him not to hang out.

"Hey Nick!" Bryce said

"Hey man, do you remember what I told you before I camd that I was angry at Y/n?" I asked

"Yeah you can feel free to tell me why" Bryce said

"So I uhm, well I don't know I started to stop trusting her you know. I had left and I knew someone was going to comfort her in more the friendly way, I thought it was going to be Tony but it was Cody, just had a feeling abt it and I was right. Uhm that's why I started to hang out with Addison more" I explained

"Ohh shit bro but that isn't true-" Bryce said but then he stopped talking. Something was wrong

"What?!" I asked

"Nothing I mean you were right, I'm sorry man. You wanna watch a movie with me and Josh?" Bryce asked me

"Yeah sure, btw thanks I don't know I just really feel like I trust you man" I said

"Yeah you can do that Nick" he said and Josh came back with snacks and then we went to the livingroom and he wasn't friendly at me at all. Cody wasn't there tho.

Your p.o.v

They started to stop coming to my room. It was late maybe like 4 am, lol. But I was thirsty and I couldn't fall asleep. So I thought about going to the kitchen and get something to drink. I was going to the kitchen but I just rememberd that Nick was sleeping in the livingroom that I needed to pass. But it was too late and Nick already saw me. He was sobbing, I so wanted to talk to hug him in that moment

"Oh I- I didn't see you there, why...why are you still awake?" Nick asked me

"Why are you still alive?" I mumbled

"Would you be happier if I died in that gunfire?" He asked

"In this moment, yes" I mumbled angrily

He looked and wiped his tears away. I left before he said something. I took a glas of water and then went back quickly and didn't stop to see if Nick was better.

Nick's p.o.v

She said she would be happier if I was dead. I don't blame her. But I don't mean anything of this, she gotta understand after this whole thing is over. I wanted if to be over as soon as possible so I called Addison's uncle. Andrew(FBI) said they already were in LA so they were ready to catch Addison's uncle when I was ready. I needed to this now.

"Can we do it tonight?" I asked Addison's uncle. I knew Andrew was listening to everything I said so he could know if it was today or in 5 days.

"I want make all this fast but do you think he trust you?" Addison's uncle asked

"Maybe not 100% but I know he will come with me" I insisted

"Okat be at (address) in 4 hours, don't be late" He said

"Okay at (address) in 4 hours" I repeated so Andrew could hear in the microphone and hung up the call.

I was going to make this tonight.

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