Chapter sixty one

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Your p.o.v

It felt like it wasn't him anymore, did they say something to him or something? I just can't believe that the guy who was sitting on the couch was Nick, I just won't believe it.

"Something's off" I said to Chase who came after me

"I want to believe that, but i don't know..why dosen't he just tell us if something is wrong I mean we'll can trust each other. Nick seemed pretty serious, I'm sorry Y/n" Chase told me, I kinda felt like he was right but I still couldn't believe it

"No you're wrong. Something IS off I just don't know what yet" I said and then got an idea, the Nick I know would be pretty surprised if I moved on fast, or well at least I think he would be surprised

"Would it be weird if moved on like now?" I asked Chase

"Huh what do you mean? I mean I think it's weird" Chase said

"I mean Nick would probably have something to say abt it if I bring a "stranger" here and start flirting with him" I said

"I still don't understand-" He said "oh wait are you trying to make him jealous?" He then asked

"That could work" Tony interrupted "I mean me and you would just not be that weird but if you do like you said and take a "stranger" here it could work" Tony added

"I will call Cody, y'all have to pretend you don't know him even you Chase. And tell the rest if the. I just hope it works" I said and called Cody and told him everything, even about Addison. He said he wanted to help if I was right, he camed over just like 10 minutes after I called him.

"Hi Cody" I said quietly

"Hey, so what am I supposed to do?" He asked

"I don't know maybe just flirt or something" I said

"Well this is going to be weird but okay" he whispered

We went to the livingroom where I knew Nick would be with some of the guys Chase and Tony said they were going to be there.

"Remember you don't know Chase" I whispered into his ear and he was so good at act and started to pretend already he giggled and then he started to talk.

"Thanks I mean you are amazing too" he said and took my hand.

"Aww-" I said but Chase interrupted

"And who the hell are you?" Chase asked

"He's Cody-"I said

"Y/n! He was asking him" Tony said and Nick still tried to look away

"Hey I'm Cody! I met Y/n a week ago well I asked her out some days ago. She said she wanted to get a guy off her mind, well she did get him off her mind. Uhm she said the guys was here and she needed someone so I came" Cody said and Nick looked at me and fast looked away

Both Tony and Chase looked at Nick

"Uhm is he somewhere around I think he's like really stupid to break up with her, but in the other way thank him-" Cody said then Nick stood up and I thought he would say something like he would usually do. But he just left the room and not even looked at me and just put his headphones on.

"Oh shit I'm sorry Y/n, he moved on I guess" Cody said quietly

"Yeah I think so too" Chase and Tony said

Were they right? Did he just not love me anymore? I went to my room and heard them talking but didn't focus on what they said I just shut everything off. I sat on my bed, I didn't lock the door so people got in to talk to me but I just didn't listen I just sat there doing nothing except thinking I was wrong abt Nick.

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