Chapter seven

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Tony's p.o.v

Well, all I have to say is that girls are actually good at fighting, anyway I think I'm going to ask Y/n out tomorrow, I rly hope she says yes. 

The next day

I went to the kitchen where the most of the guys were.

"Hey gangggg" I shouted to the group.

"Morning Tony" Y/n said

"Wow you already forgave him Y/n?!" Addison asked her.

"What have I missed???" Charli asked

"Nothing..." Addison said

"Uhm Y/n can I talk to you for a moment,alone??" I asked her not trying to freak out.

"Yeah sure!" she said back

Your p.o.v

What did I do now??? He may just want to irritate me again. Whatever, I'll hear him out and if it is bad I could just kick his ass

"Soo, you heard about this festival that's happening today?" Tony asked me while not trying to have eye contact with me.

"Yup, heard about it, it's seems cool" I said back not having a clue what he was talking about.

"I w-wanted to ask you if u would like to go??" he said still looking at the floor.

"Yeah, who's coming??" I asked

"I-I thought it could be just us, or well if y-" he said when I interrupted him.

"Like a date?? I would love that!" I said and THEN he looked at me.

"W-what rly???" he said, he seemed rly happy.

"Yeah, when??" I asked him excited

"At seven, if it works for you??" Tony said.

"Seven it will be!!" I said

Some hours later

"So he rly asked you out?!?" Avani asked me more excited then I where.

"Yeah and the weird thing he was soo nervous!" I said.

"Omg lmao, so what are you wearing??" Avani asked me.

"Well that's why you're here!" I said.

"Let's find something!!" Avani said happy for me.

Then we found the perfect outfit!!!

"Wow you look stunning" Tony said when we were at the car

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"Wow you look stunning" Tony said when we were at the car.

" Aww thank you, you don't look to bad either" I said, he rly looked good.

"Let's go!" He said

"Yassss" I said back.

@lopez_tony how lucky am I too take this one on a date?!?!?

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@lopez_tony how lucky am I too take this one on a date?!?!?

Tagged: @y/n_y/l/n

2. 591. 372 likes 476. 293 comments

@y/n_y/l/n I'm the lucky one 🥰

@addisonraee I SHIPPPP

@lilhuddy Don't you dare hurt her!!! Love you bro!

@y/nfanaccount OMGGGG I'm freaking out!!!

@avani  @y/nfanaccount sameeee

@y/nfanaccount GOSHHHH she noticed me!!

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