|Chapther thirty eighth|

637 16 0

Tony's p.o.v

Wait, shit did I just say that outloud?!

"What did you just say?" Nick asked from nowhere

"Who do you love?" Nick asked again

"Uhmm-" I started but didn't know what to say

"His grandmother, he loves his grandmother" Chase said. Wow he rly saved me there

"Oh okay, bc I thought you guys were talking abt a girl" Nick said

"Well, you heard wrong" I said

"Yeah, I guess so-" Nick said but then looked away

"Hey Y/n!" Nick screamed and went after her well do did I, but they didn't realize I was listening to them.

"Hi Nick" Y/n said

"Uhmm, well I wanted to tell you something actually before, u know " Nick said to Y/n

"Yeah? What was it?" Y/n

"You look rly beautiful.." Nick said and damn it he made Y/n blush!

"Oh uh, thanks you look good too" she said back

"No but I mean you look rly rly good" Nick said and started to get closer to her

"Nick-" Y/n said

"I know I just-" Nick said and even leaned closer so they almost kissed!

"What the hell?!" I screamed

"Tony, it isn't what it looks like-" Y/n

"Nick?! What the hell are you thinking?!" I asked him and started to get rly pissed of

"Oh come on it's not like she's your girlfriend!" Nick said

"Nah maybe not, but you have a freaking girlfriend remember?! Or were you on another car crash?!" I yelled

"What is going on here?" Addison asked

"Are you insulting my boyfriend?!" Addison said but now angry

"Oh please! Ask him why! He f*cking tried to kiss Y/n!" I screamed

"No I wasn't!" Nick said

"I believe Nick, it was probably Y/n who was trying to kiss Nick!" Addison said defending Nick

"Addison I didn't-" Y/n started

"I already know you like him! It's obvious Y/n! Right Tony?!" Addison yelled.

"Tony- you know-" Y/n said looking at me but I interrupted her

"I don't know what to believe now- but I kinda think Addison is right. You still like Nick, you never stopped..." I said and left

"Tony!!" Y/n said but I totally ignored her.

Why didn't she push away? Why does Nick feel this way again? And why can't she love me the way I love her?

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