Chapther fifty

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Your p.o.v

Bryce is so freaking dumb! Lol I rly need to hurry tho

"So where is he?" Chase asked me

"It was just a old black wall behind him, that could be anywhere" Nick said

"Yeah how can you be sure?" Tony asked me

"It wasn't the background it's something he said. The last thing Josh was please I beg you Y/n. Ik it's a wierd word but that's the sentence" I said confident

"I still don't understand, wasn't he just telling you to leave?" Nick asked

"Oh right! Y/n and Josh dated since they were 15, more than 2 years. They made a sentence they would tell if they where at this old house in a park, they made different sentences for different places that seemed dangerous, or am I wrong?" Chase said

"You're right Chase tell Tony where it is and I and Nick will meet u guys where it is" I said and stepped into Nick's car and he started talking.

"You guys seemed pretty close" Nick said

"This again?" I asked him

"Why me?" Nick asked

"I have already told you Nick, just drive please" I said and he started to drive to the park and the house was there.

"He should be here" I said

"Let's go inside" Chase said back

"It seemes dangerous guys, you girls should wait outside" Tony said and looked at me and Kouvr

"Oh you better be kidding me I'm going inside and you can't stop me" I said and went inside and well so did also Kouvr

"Never underestimate a girl" Nick said and went inside and hold my hand

"Chase can you take second floor with two person and I'll take the first floor with Nick and someone else" I said.

"I'll go with you and Nick" Tony said and Alex and Kouvr went to the second floor with Chase

"Soo...what are we looking for?" Tony asked

"Josh?" Nick said

"No shit sherlock, I mean is there something special we should look after?" Tony asked

"I don't know, maybe blood or something, maybe just some noice" I said

"Okay, that's smart" Tony said

"Are you serious man?!" Nick said to Tony

"Huh? What did I say?" Tony asked

"Oh please stop f*cking flirting that would make this whole shit much easier" Nick said

"Hey guys quiet-" I said

"Oh! You thought that was me flirting you should see me flirting bro! I just said that was smart!" Tony said

"I'll go with you Y/n, that's smart, that's true Y/n I mean come on!" Nick yelled

"Shut up guys!" I yelled and both of them did and I showed them the blood I saw on the floor

"Oh crap-" Nick said

"Is it Josh's blood?" Tony asked

"Yeah you know she knows exactly which blood is Josh blood" Nick said ironically

"Nick- please stop it" I said

We followed the trace the blood made and both Nick and Tony where quiet but you could see both of them were very pissed. Then the blood trace stopped and we saw a door, and well as stupid we are we opened it. Josh was sitting in the middle of the room and we all ran to him

"Y/n stop!" Josh screamed but it was too late, 6 men were surrounding  us with pistol in their hands, FUCK!

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