°Chapther twenty eighth°

786 14 2

Tony's p.o.v

"Yeah, just my friend.." I said

Shit! Did I just say that? What am I supposed to say now?!

"Uhmm" Y/n started

"What's uppp?" Chase said while entering the room. It was so silent no one answered Chase.

"Who died? Is this Riverdale or something?" Chase said jokingly. Now Alex entered the room with his vlog camera.

"Who wants to be in my vlog? Shit who died!?" Alex asked

"I just asked the same thing!" Chase said. Both Alex and Chase literally looked at us like someone died.

"I-I can be in you vlog Alex" I said

"Y-yeah me too" Y/n said to

"I r-rather n-not have r-robots in my v-vlog" Alex said making a robot impression

"HaHA FUNNY!" I said ironically

"I have an idea! We can have a Instagram live and have a q&a instead and invite our followers  and let them ask questions" Chase said

"Let's do that!" Alex said

We started do a live and when we had around 16k we started to invite people. Then we choose a person, a fanpage actually.

"Hey!" We all said

"OMG hiii!, this is sooo cool!" The girl shouted

"How are you?" Y/n asked

"I'm so good! I'm shaking tho!" The girl said

"So what's you question??" Alex asked

"Alright, what's the most awkward moment you had in hype house?" The girl asked, wow does she have a camera or something!? Me and Y/n's eyes meet and we quickly looked away

"So fun that you ask!" Chase said and both him and Alex started laughing

"So, we both entered Tony's room and him and Y/n were all quiet and literally talked like robots for like 20 minutes!" Alex started

"Lol, for real?!" The girl asked

"ALEX!" I screamed

"Uhmm-uhm next question!" Y/n said

"Okay byeee" the girl said

Then we choose the next person.

"Ohhhh shittt! Hiii" another girl said

"Hii" we all said back

"Okay my question is going to be a kiss, marry kill" The girl said

"Y/n, you options is the guys doing a live with Alex, Chase and Tony" the girl continued

"HAH this is going to be funny" Alex said

"Well, I kill you so you can shut up!" Y/n said to Alex. Then we all started laughing

"And uhmm I guess I will choose to marry Chase bc he's my best friend and kiss Tony bc he's the one left" Y/n said. Ouch, weirdly that kinda hurt.

"Lol thanks for that, next" Chase said

We did that for a while and then we ended the live and Y/n said she wanted to talk so we went outside.

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