[Chapther fourty one]

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Your p.o.v

"Tony!" I yelled

"C'mon wait up!" I yelled and grabbed his hand

"What is it Y/n?" Tony asked me rly sad

"I don't know what happened that night, I mean I was drunk and so was Nick" I told him

"Okay??" Tony said

"It's you, I like you Tony. I was confused. Just forgive me please" I begged Tony

"I don't know, how can I be sure? You said you liked me that night too but you almost kissed Nick. Give me a reason" Tony said

"You're the only one I want to kiss" I said and kissed Tony. Fist he pushed away and looked confused

"You sure?" He asked me and I nodded. Then he kissed me back, it was an amazing kiss but like usual we were interrupted

"Y/n! I have to tell-" Nick screamed running down the stairs

Nick p.o.v

Nothing is going to stop me now, I'm telling Y/n I love her! I ran from Addison's room and started to scream when I got to the stairs

"Y/n! I have to tell-" I screamed but then I saw her.

She wasn't alone... she was kissing Tony.. I was too late, like always! Damn it! She even asked me earlier and I just freaking blew the change now she's making out with Tony!

They both looked up to me who was standing in the stairs frozen as ice. Y/n seemed as speechless like me tho.

"What did you want to tell her?" Tony asked me

"...I- uhm wanted to- uhm t-tell her" I said while my voice was cracking

"Nick? Is there something going on?" Y/n asked me calmly

"N-no, I- uhm well... wanted to tell everyone... but I just saw...Y/n so that why..I yelled her name.." I said and my voice was cracking more and more

"What did you want to tell us?" Tony asked

"I uhm, broke up with Addison.." I said to change subject

"You should've done that long time ago bro, but you did it now at least" Tony said

"Yeah, you did it!" Y/n said happy for me

Tony was right, I should've done that much earlier. Then maybe I could've been the one kissing  Y/n right now...

"Yeah I did..." I said quietly

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