Chapther fifty seven

408 3 2

Your p.o.v

Next morning:

Kouvr really made me feel better, but still not okay. I just need to know if he's okay. There's nothing else I want to know so bad. I don't know what Addison is making him do, uhg I really hate her! I know it's a strong word but I do, I have never hated someone as much as I hate her!

I went outside to take a short walk and bumped into Bryce, he was talking to someone on the phone and seem pretty sad when he saw me he only said

"Oh hi Y/n"

Nick's p.o.v

I just landed, the first thing I did was "going to the bathroom". I went to the bathroom and didn't call Andrew he told me not to bc Addison's uncle would probably track down all my calls. So I did what her uncle wanted me to do. I called Bryce with my old phone so he could see it was me

"Nick?!" He asked

"Yeah it's me, but don't tell anyone! Okay? Not even Y/n, please bro you gotta help me" I said

"What uhm okay I guess, but are you okay?" Bryce asked

"Yeah I'm fine, or I guess for now at least..can we meet?" I asked him. I wanted him so bad to tell me no

"I mean yeah I think so" Bryce said

"Okay good I gotta go"

"Oh hi Y/n" was the last thing I heard him say

"Oh wait are you talking to her?" I asked quickly

"Yeah just bumped into her, but don't worry I won't tell her" Bryce confirmed

"Okay good" I said and hung up

I went back and Addison's uncle was with Addison.

"So you called him?" He asked

"Yeah I did" I told him

"So do you know where he is, I don't think he's in the Sway house anymore. Do whatever you have to do to find him and act like it's okay" he told me

"Yes sir but he's with the others, Y/n, Chase and so on" I said

"You can go there that doesn't matter, just try to ignore the rest as much as you can. Make up stories abt how bad we were treating you. And Y/n try to stay away from her, Addison said she was your weak side" he said.

F*ck he wants me to go wherever they are but not talk to Y/n! To ignore her, that's just not possible.

"But they are going to realize something is off" I insisted

"Just come up with a reason to Bryce and tell him you're angry at her." He said

"But what if I can't-" I started

"Just f*king do it! And do whatever Addison wants you to do. Now go and kiss my niece goodbye and find Bryce!" He commanded

"Kid do it" I heard Andrew say in the mic. F*cking hell!

I went to Addison who was looking at a bag in the store. Nooo yuck I don't want to kiss her just the thought, noo!

I went to her and I kissed her, then I looked at her uncle and he nodded. Uhgg and she kissed me back as excepted! F*ck paparazzi!

"Are you together?!"

"Yes we are!" Addison said and I nodded and they took pictures. Can this go any worse?!

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