/Chapther twenty one/

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Addison p.o.v
Well I need to do some things on my own. Ugh, why is literally everyone in the hospital!! Anyway they won't notice me they are all wayyy to worried.

"Uhm hey where is Nick Austin?" I asked a nurse

"Oh, friends of him? Talk with your friends over there they know" the nurse said and pointed at the rest of the hype house.

"Uhmm nah can you tell me? I'm his- I'm his girlfriend and I rly can't talk to my friends rn" I said trying to sound sad

"Oh, right of course come with me" the nurse said

She led me to room 27, there Nick was very hurt Oh and his mother was there too

"Hi, Addison nice to meet you again" mrs. Taylor said

"Yeah, hi-hi Nick... Do you remember me?" I said actually hoping he wouldn't

"No sorry.. " Nick said

"It's alright, it may sound like a shock to both you and your mother." I said trying to get some tears in my eyes! Damn it acting was harder than I thought

"What is it Addison?" mrs. Taylor said.

"Nick...I'm Addison... your girlfriend" I said and I actually had tears running down my cheeks, wow I should be an actress!

"You are??" Both Nick and his mother asked

"Yeah, we were going to go official but then this happend...I get it if you rather not be with me any-anymore" I said, I'M GOOODDDD! I rly thought this wouldn't work so I started to go slowly.

"Addison wait!" Nick screamed

"Yes?..." I asked him

"The doctors said that if I spend time or do something I rly like or care about my memories may come back.. I need to try everything.. and I guess I care about you because you're my girlfriend.." Nick said. HELL YEAHHHHHH he believed it!

"For real??" I asked

" Yes, let's try this.." Nick said. Yesss, I'm finally getting the guy I wanted.

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