~Chapther thirty five~

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Your p.o.v

Today has been rly busy planning the party for tonight anyway it's going to be great! It was around 7 p.m. and I started to get ready for the party. I first got my makeup on then hair and finally outfit. I choose this outfit:

Then I went down stairs to see Tony

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Then I went down stairs to see Tony. Huh he wasn't there but someone else was.

"Wow" Nick said

"Huh?" I asked him confused

"You look-" Nick said but then I saw Tony

"Are you kidding me?" Tony said going downstairs

"Isn't illegal to look this good?" He said

"Aww thanks Tony, but I think I'm the one that needs to call the cops" I said and went to him

"Oh wait! Nick did you say something?" I asked him, he was going to say something but I kinda think I ignored him or something

"N-no, I was- whatever" Nick said looking down

"Oh okay" I said and Tony and I went outside for a while.

"Y/n?" Tony asked me

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked Tony

"Is.. is there something between you and Nick?" He asked me shyly

"What no! I mean he liked me before he crash and all but know he barely remembers me. And I like you know" I told Tony

"Bc it's okay if u like him-" Tony  continued

"I like you, only you okay?" I said and kissed him on his cheek. 

"Okay" Tony said and hugged me

"Ready for the party guys?" Tayler asked

"Yeah we're coming" I told Tayler

"Coming bro!" Tony said and we went inside

At 9 p.m. the party started and then sway house started to come.  There was Josh

"Hey Y/n, how have you been?" Josh asked

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