-Chapther thirty six-

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Josh p.o.v

"Oh h-hi" Y/n told me

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked me

"Aww thanks I'm great after you punched me on that double date" I said back

"Double date?! You better shut up or I will punch u again!" Tony said

"Tony-" Y/n said looking at Tony

"Already back together?" I said jokingly

"What no!" Both of them said fast

"Anyway I wanted to talk with you Y/n" I said

"No way in hell!" Tony screamed at me

"You know abt that night.." I said to Y/n

"Oh okay, but Tony knows everything so you can tell him too" Y/n said

"Alright, but maybe in a place there no one can hear us" I said

"Fine, let's go to my room" Y/n said

Your p.o.v

"So what is it?" I asked Josh

"This is so difficult to say but I'll just go straight up" Josh said

"I'm pretty sure Bryce was in the black car that night" Josh said

"What the hell?!?" Both Tony and I yelled

"Yeah, it's hard to believe but I heard him talk to Addison at night and I'm 98% sure he did it for her" Josh said

"How are we supposed to believe you?" Tony asked him

"Let's go to the garage" Josh said

We went there, and he was telling us the truth. That stupid son of a b*tch took his black car!

"That's the car..." I said

"No way, I can't believe it. Bryce seemed so nice" Tony said

"Yeah I know, in fact I just think he rly rly likes Addison and that he did it for her" Josh told us

"What- what am I supposed to do now?! Nick doesn't remember a thing and it's all her fault!" I screamed

"I- I don't know" Tony said

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