Chapter sixty seven

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3 months later

Nick's p.o.v

Everything was planned, Thomas even helpt me a lot. Tonight was the night I just hope it will work.

Your p.o.v

"We are having a party! I know we usually don't have many parties but now when all the drama is over it's perfect" Thomas said to everyone

"Yayyyy" I screamed and Nick came and hugged me.

"Love youuu" I said

"Love you more" Nick said

"No I do-" I said and Thomas interrupted

"Yeah yeah you guys love each other" Thomas said jokingly

I put this on and was ready for the party:

I had a a lot of fun at the party and danced a lot too

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I had a a lot of fun at the party and danced a lot too.

Then after awhile we all went up to the pool and it was a beautiful sunset. Even sway house was there.

"I want to say something" Nick said

"Let my man talk!" I yelled and smiled at Nick and everyone was quiet

"So this latest months has been hard for everyone. But I always had someone by my side even when I forgot her" Nick started and looked at me

"And after everyday I have spent with you Y/n I have fallen in love with you more and more" Nick said

"Awww" everyone said

"Y/n I know you may think it's to soon but I love you so much and love you more and more everyday and I know you are the one" Nick said and I kissed his cheek wait was he doing what I think he was doing

"Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" Nick said and went down on one knee


(A/n: Thanks for reading! Soooo I could do a sequel or I could just let it be here and all of you guys could just imagine what you say. Maybe you choose to say no and go back to Tony or yes and being with Nick. Please let me know if you want a sequel it would be very fun to do that. I really appreciate if you vote on this story. Have a great day xx)

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