□Chapther fourty three□

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Your p.o.v

I was all done I had this outfit on:

We're movinggg to the new house! Yayyy! It's time to go!

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We're movinggg to the new house! Yayyy! It's time to go!

"Everyone better be f*cking ready I have waiting so long!" Chase yelled

"We're all ready!" I said

"Y/n are you coming in my car like usually?" Chase asked me

You know what why not, I'm pretty confused rn. Then it won't be weird to choose between Tony and Nick.

"Alright! See you there" I said to Tony and he waved at me

We were driving a bit and then Chase started talking

"It's amazing that Nick remembers" Chase said

"Yeah... it rly is.." I said

"Whatzzup Y/n, did something happen?" Chase asked me worried

"Nah, it just that-" I said but Chase interrupted me

"You like Tony but you also like Nick" Chase said

"What, how'd you know?" I asked Chase

"I'm your best friend of course I know" Chase said

"True, It's just that I just made me believe I stopped like Nick and could move on with Tony but everytime I'm with Tony I just think abt Nick, and when I'm with Nick I think abt Tony" I said

"That's just messed up Chase" I continued

"No it isn't, you just need to figure out who you like more or you will be playing with them and finally not have any of them" Chase told me

"Yeah..." I said and we were at the new house! It is huge!

"Wow-" I said

"Yeah i know it's f*cking crazy!" Chase said

We went inside and there where most of the guys it was just Tony and Larry's cars that didn't arrive yet.

"Y/n can I talk to you?" Nick said

"Yup, what's up?" I asked and we were still around everyone else

"Alone?" Nick asked me

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