Chapther fifty two

466 7 3

Your p.o.v

He left me...I can't believe this..

"Y/n-" Tony said

"Don't!" I yelled at him

"He did it for you, he loves you like rly bad. He just wanted you to be safe, and well he wanted to protect your best friend" Tony said to me calmly

"But he didn't have to f*cking protect me!" Chase yelled

"And doesn't Addison know how to keep promises! They should be letting us go by now!" Chase yelled

"Bryce just let us go please..." I said 

"Im sorry, I didnt know Addison would go this far but I cant" Bryce saidd and actually looked sad 

"Bro, I thought we were friends" Josh said 

"Man I'll kill you when I get out of here!" Tony said 

More and more time went and after a while you could see Bryce felt bad. 

"Bryce can I talk to you, alone?" I asked him

"No way in hell I'm letting you talk with him alone, he could hurt you!" Chase yelled

"He isn't going to hurt me me" I said to Chase looking into his eyes

"Fine!" Chase said 

Then Bryce took me to another room so we could talk without the rest

"What is it?" Bryce asked me

"Bryce..I know you are better than you think. Just help us out and then we'll help you with Addison, you just have to tell me what she has against you" I said to him

"At first I thought I liked her but then... she told me that her uncle was working in the mafia.. and if I didn't help her..he would kill me" Bryce said 

"Shit.." I said 

"We'll figure it out just please let us go" I said 

"...okay.." he finally said 

We Went back to the others and then he told the other guys with the guns that they could go bc Addison was a girl that keept her promises and that we could leave. 

"Thanks Bryce.." I said to him 

"Why are you thanking him Y/n?!" Tony said 

"Addison didn't tell him anything, he helpt us Tony..Adddisons uncle works in the mafia and she has that against him"  I told the rest

"oh shit, sorry bro" Josh said 

"No, I'm sorry" Bryce said 

"Chase can we go to your parents lakehouse? That's the only safe place I can think abt right now" I asked Chase

"yeah good idea" Chase said

"You have a lake house?" Tony and Alex asked at the same time

"Yeah no one uses it anymore, me and Y/n used to go there when we were kids" Chase said

Then we drove to Chase's lake house, it looked pretty much like it used to. I always liked to be there it was so silent and a prefect place to think. Chase and I have so many good memories here, I miss it. Well the lake house looked like this: 

"Alex and Kouvr there's a bigger room upstairs with a double bed, I think you guys should take that room

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"Alex and Kouvr there's a bigger room upstairs with a double bed, I think you guys should take that room. Josh and Bryce there is a room with two single beds that you guys could take and the rest of us will figure out what else we can do" Chase said 

They Went to their rooms, and I knew this house so good so I knew which rooms was left a small room with a single bed and another big room like Alex's and Kouvr's room. 

"I mean i could sleep in the double bed with Y/n, it isn't like we haven't done that before" Tony said 

"Well it isn't like I haven't sleept in the same bed with Y/n before" Chase said 

"Uhmm" I said

"You choose Y/n" Chase said 

"I'll take the single bed!" I said 

"What?" they both said 

"yeah it's obious that you both want to sleep in the big room so that's the best solution" I said and went to the room and both of them looked so confused.

Does Tony still like me? And does Chase like me too? No that can't be right, I'm just confused I guess.

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