/Chapter thirty one/

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Your p.o.v

Maybe twenty minutes after Nick showed up someone came downstairs.

"Nick?!" Addison yelled

"Yeah? By the way you are in the way may move a lil bit?" Nick said and was serious. Both Tony and I bursted into laughter

"What so funny?" Addison asked and looked rly mad

"It just that-" Tony said bit she interrupted me

"I wasn't asking you Tony, Y/n?" Addison said looking at me

"No nothing, it was just the way he said it" I said and was still laughing a bit

"Nick, come I need you, I have searched for you" Addison said looking at Nick.

"Nah I pass, I rather watch the movie" Nick said and it was so hard not to laugh

"You rather be here and watch deadpool than help your girlfriend?? You better come right away " Addison said

"Come on let him watch the movie " Tony said defending Nick

"Yeah you rly should" I said

"Oh you better shut up Y/n! Don't tell me what my boyfriend should do!" Addison said hella annoyed

"Don't tell her to shut up!" Both Nick and Tony said at the same time.

"Nick!?" Addison said

"Babe, I mean I'll help you tomorrow, okay??" Nick said looking at Addison

"Fine!" Addison said and went upstairs

"Woooow, great girlfriend you have bro!" Tony said to Nick ironically

"Yeah.. Wait shit I meant- I'm rly just trying to get my memories back I-" Nick said

"We understand" I said and Nick gave me a hug, I hugged him back for comfort. It was a pretty long hug tho. Wait is he ever going to let go?! Tony rly looked sad and I pulled away

"Thanks for being so good friends" Nick said looking at us.

"No problem bro" Tony said

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