Chapther fourty nine

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Your p.o.v

He didn't talk to me for like 5 minutes and then I started to get rly pissed

"Okay! Stop it! What did I do?" I asked him and he still ignored me

"Are you freaking serious?!" I said and he still just hummed to the song that was on

"Okay I'll just go with Tony the way back, he talks to me at least!" I screamed

"Well I ain't surprised" Nick said quietly

"What did you say?" I asked him, he was rly going on my nerves

"I ain't surprised you rather be with him!" Nick said

"Why do you say that?" I asked confused

"Why did you tell him abt Josh and didn't tell me?" He asked sad

"Oh- is it abt that?" I asked Nick

"I know you told me you loved me, but it seemed like you and Tony have a relationship that-" Nick said

"Stop right there, Nick I love you I told you that some days ago and I still live you Nick" I said

"I know but I need you to trust me, trust is easily the most important thing in a relationship" Nick said

"I know I just forgot, I told Tony that when we thought you didn't remember that's why I told him and not you Nick, I'm sorry" I said not realizing that

"It's okay" Nick said and kissed me

We were at the Sway house and Tony, Chase and Thomas was already there. Tony then knocked on the door and Bryce opened it

"Oh hey bro! Whatzzup?" Bryce said

"Where's Josh?" Chase asked

"Where's your girlfriend Tony? Did she leave you again?" Bryce said

"No you didn't!" Tony said and Nick went to Bryce and pushed him out if the way

"Josh! Where the hell are you dude!?" Nick said

"Are you going to leave Nick now because he say hell?" Bryce said

"Shut the f*ck up!" I said and slapped him

"Y/n, come with me" Nick said and took my hand

We looked for a while and then Bryce started talking

"He isn't here! Can you just leave?" Bryce asked us

"I'm not leaving until I see he's ok" I said

"Since when so you care abt him Y/n?" Bryce asked and everyone was looking at me and actually wanted to know

"For real since when?" Kovur asked

"Guys he may cheated on me and I hate him for that, but he was still my first boyfriend.. that means a lot. I'm always going to care abt him, just tell me Bryce" I said and meant everything I said

"Fine!" Bryce said and took his phone and facetimed someone and Josh answered or well someone else answered but showed him

"Y/n! What are you doing there?"Josh asked me. He was hurt, like rly bad

"Are you ok??" I said panicking

"Yeah I'm fine, but get hell out of that house. Please I beg you Y/n-" Josh said sad but then Bryce ebded the call

"You'll never know where is" Bryce said

"That's true, sorry Bryce we will leave" I said and everyone looked confused at me when we left the house

"What's up?" Nick asked me

"I know where he is" I said

"Let's go!" Tony said

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