Chapther fifteen

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Your p.o.v

I was getting ready for the party,weird tho that no one else was coming except me and Addison. Whatever,I put this on:

"Addison I'm doneee!" I screamed

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"Addison I'm doneee!" I screamed

"Wow you fit in everything" she said while having a green dress on.

"Aww thanks, that's dress is nice!" I said.

"Let's go-" she said but then someone interrupted

"Where are u guys going??" Nick asked

"Not it business" Addison said back.

"Hey Addison can I talk to you?"  Nick said.

"I have nothing to say to you" she said back.

Well, I was sooo the third wheel!

"Let's try it out, I don't know what I was thinking that day. Whatever party you are going to let me come with, let me be your date" Nick said

What the hellllll,he just said he liked me. Now he's asking Addison out, why is everyone acting so weird

"Nick, she said no-" I said but I was interrupted

"I wasn't talking to you Y/n " Nick said to me looking hella annoyed

"Let him come with,can you be the third wheel, pls?" Addison asked me

"Uhg fine! Just let's go I wanna party!!" I said. But what the heck, who ask you to be the third wheel?!

We arrived to the party,and it was a lot of people there. AND ALCOHOL, I needed that! I grabbed a beer and started dancing. Suddenly Addison came with some punch and I drank that too. And Nick he seems to be a player, he's now all over Addison,ugh disgusting!

After a while of dancing I started to feel bad! I needed to go home, but everyone was looking at me too.

"OMG, LOOK Y/N!" Addison said and showed her phone

@Josh_fan_account: Y/n Y/l/n has been seen drinking a lot and making out with different guys on party

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@Josh_fan_account: Y/n Y/l/n has been seen drinking a lot and making out with different guys on party. Is she rly a good role model?? What do you think, comment.

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@y/nfanaccount1 I liked her, but not

@addisonraefan I never liked her!

@addisonraee STOP IT!

"Noo, it's fake! I have been drinking, but I haven't made out with someone!" I screamed

"I know... How terrible person can start a rumor like that?!" Addison said

"Can we go?? I'm also kinda feeling bad" I said back

"Don't let this ruin your night,and it's going good with Nick. Just a little bit more??" She said looking at me

"Fine! Just a little bit" I said back.

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