♤Chapther fourty two♤

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Chase's p.o.v

Wow, this is insane. We're moving out today! The house is big af and Addison is leaving the hype house!

"Chase?" Y/n asked me

"Oh hi, wazzup??" I asked her back

"I uhm, why is Addison leaving?"she asked me

"Huh, I thought Nick told you" I said confused

"Told me what?" She asked me

Then Larray entered the room

"He remembers everything honey" Larray said

"What?!" Y/n yelled

"He was going to tell you last night" Chase said

"But wait he just told me he was breaking up with Addison" she said

"I need to talk with him, but when?" Y/n asked

"Now darling!" Larray said and she left

Your p.o.v

What! I can't believe he remembers everything! Why didn't he tell me?! I was going to his room but then Tony saw me

"Hey beautiful!" Tony said and kissed me on the cheek

"Hi, did you hear?!" I asked Tony

"No, what happend?" He asked

"Nick.. he remembers everything" I said and Tony couldn't believe it

"What does he?! We need to talk with him!" Tony said and we went to his room where he was packing his last things

"Nick bro!" Tony screamed

"Nick-" I said

"Hey" Nick said

"Why-why didn't you tell us?" I asked Nick

"Yeah bro" Tony said

"Idk, I mean we all have secrets. I didn't know you were together for example" Nick said irritated

"But Nick-" I said

"It dosen't matter, I need to get ready, may leave?" Nick said

"Okay bro, talk to you later" Tony said and left the room but I stayed

"For how long?" I asked him

"Since truth or dare night when I kissed you" Nick said

"What? But why keeping this a secret for so long?" I asked Nick confused

"Addison was talking shit abt you guys so I made a tape so she could leave" Nick said

"But why didn't you just tell us?" I asked

"I needed to do it, I needed to make sure Addison could never hurt you again" Nick said.

"Oh, thanks" I said and gave him a hug and he looked into my eyes and I into his.

"I have missed you" he said

"We all have missed you too" I said

"No but I mostly missed you, you don't know how hard it was to not tell you" Nick said. Aww he was so sweet

"Uhm, yeah I need to get ready too, talk to you later" I said and left

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