Chapther sixty three

382 6 0

Nick's p.o.v

I packed all my things and then made some noise nearby Bryce and Josh's room so maybe they could wake up. It went like planned. Bryce and Josh, came to see what's going on

"Man what are you going?" Bryce asked me

"Uhm I got to go and I have better things to do" I said

"Man don't leave" Bryce said

"Noo please leave" Josh said half jokingly.

"I'm leaving I just can be here for another minute, the stupid thing is that I don't have a freaking car!" I said

"Oh crap! And I have to do something for someone. Hey if something goes wrong tell-" I started but then Bryce interrupted

"Wait what are you talking abt? Man you're not going to do something stupid again?" Bryce said

"Last time was my fault I feel so freaking guilty, hey man what abt you stay the night and I'll drive you tomorrow" Bryce said trying to convince me

"No I have to go, I'll find a cab or something" I said

"Alright" Josh said

"I'll drive you let me just pack my bag" Bryce said

"No I'll find a cab" I insisted

"No I'll drive you give me five minutes" Bryce said and went to get his things and I started to put the rest of my things in my bag. Then I heard someone come into the livingroom, I thought it was Bryce so I started talking

"Thanks for the ride man-" I said and turned around it was

"Nick? Where are you going?" She asked me

"Back to LA for a bit, don't worry you'll never see me again" I said and looked away

"Are you f*cking serious right now?!" She screamed and I turned around again

"Yeah, you'll never see me again no thanks needed" I said and her eyes turned red. She started sobbing

"Nick! Don't you f*cking understand!? I love you so damn much! I don't want you to leave me now, not ever. And I know all we had wasn't fake" she started

"I'm sorry but I'm not going because of you. And you may be right we may HAD something but it was in the past. I need to go and I'm going back to my girlfriend"  I said

"I.. I thought you just acted not to care...tell me you're joking because it's not funny anymore!" She said and the rest of the group was downstairs

"What's going on?" Chase said and yawned

"He's f*cking leaving us again!" I yelled

"HA HA funny Nick, now I'm tired af so can we go back to sleep?" Tony said

"I'm done Nick, where am I driving you?" Bryce asked

"See!" Y/n yelled

"I'll give you the address in the car, bye you guys" I said and saw Y/n eyes filling up with tears, this was so hard to see

"Man! C'mon" Chase started and took my arm to stop me.

"Sorry, I really gtg goodbye Chase, it was really fun to have you as bestfriend" I said and left

We drove three hours straight and we arrived to a really weird neighborhood, it was still dark even if it was 7 am. I was getting off the car went to a big building but then Bryce stopped me

"Man are you going in there?!" Bryce asked

"Yeah,do you mind?" I asked Bryce

"You can't go in there alone, that dosen't seem safe I'll go in there with you" Bryce told me

"No you don't need to-" I said and he already stood up and went to the door

I opened the door, it was dark and seemed really big.

"Man this is really weird" Bryce said. Then someone turned the lights on

"Thanks Nick, you did a good job. Addison your boyfriend is alright and he brought that Bryce guy like planned" Addison's uncle said

"What the f*ck man!" Bryce yelled

"Heyyy beautiful" I said and kissed Addison on the cheek, let me tell you, yuckkkk!

"No no!" Bryce yelled while some men took him and wrapped him around a chair and started to punch him

"You did such a good job-" Addison told me

"She has brainwashed you man!" Bryce yelled and was bleeding bad. Crap where's Andrew!?

"It true you did a good job, I'll give you the honor to do this" Addison's uncle said and gave me his gun. He wanted ME to kill Bryce. And I didn't see Andrew, F*CKING HELL!

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