♤Chapther twenty nine♤

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Your p.o.v

"So, abt what happend before do you still-" I started

"Yes, I do" Tony said.

"Wait you didn't hear the whole sentence-" I said

"But if you wanted to ask me if I still liked you that's my answer" Tony said. Wow, he still liked me. But why didn't he tell me earlier?

"You do?" I asked

"Yeah, I understand if you don't feel the same tho-" Tony said

"Why don't we try it out?" I said

"What? Are- are you serious?" Tony asked confused

"I mean the way I ended this is just, it was so mean-" Tony continued

"Yeah you ended it pretty bad but I rly rly liked you, so why not try it again but this time maybe not make it official so fast" I suggested

"I-I still can't believe what you're saying" Tony said and looked rly surprised

"Yeah I'm a bit surprised too" I said

"But yes, I would love to try this again" Tony said with a smile

"So when are you going to ask me out?" I asked and he laughed

"Uhmm do you want to go on a date with me uhm now?" Tony said smiling

"Wait let me check my schedule.. I'm free! Lucky you!" I said

"Yeah lucky me!" Tony said happily

We went inside and were going to watch a movie so we started to make some snacks.

"Why?" Tony then asked me from nowhere.

"Why, what?" I asked him

"Why do you want to give me another change? I mean I don't even deserve you" Tony said while looking so sad

"Hey! Why do you think that? I gave you another chance for some reasons. 1 everyone deserves a second chance 2 I kinda can't stay mad at you bc I RLY RLY RLY liked you " I said.

"Thanks" Tony said and gave me a hug. Aww I miss his hugs

"I miss this" I said

"Mee too, I never thought this could happen again I'm glad it happend" Tony said and looked into my eyes. I was going to lean into a kiss but then he stopped me

"Maybe not just yet, believe me rly want to but I want to take things slow now I rly want this to last" Tony said. Aww he's so sweet

"Alright, I want this to last too" I said and hugged him again.

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