Chapther fifty five

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Nick's p.o.v

F*ck they shoot me on my leg! F*ck f*ck f*ck! But I have the freaking chance to leave I mean Addison said she would leave us alone if I would go with her Ik, but I never told for how long.

"Are you ok?" A blond woman  asked me panicking

"Just please help me to get somewhere safe, don't call the ambulance!" I told her

"What! Why not!?" She asked

"Just please help me" I said and was the last thing I rememberd well I woke up in a bed and having a lot of people around me  asking me stuff like

"Are you ok?"

"Do you need to call someone?"

"Where's your parents?"

"What were you doing there?"

I told them the truth, the whole thing. All I could say was that I was in good hands. The woman who found me, well her husband works in the FBI. He was working on the case against Addison's uncle. They told me to not call anyone, including Y/n. Well that's going to be the hardest thing. I want to talk to her so bad. But this is for a good thing.

"So, let's go over the plan again" the man who was working in the case called Andrew said

"I'm going undercover, still pretending to be with Addison and try to seem interested in their family business. Then I'll start recording everything....."  I said and well the plan was amazing, well I already tried this before but the FBI didn't help me that time.

"Good kid, now when you find Addison say that and old french lady helped you and it only took some time to find her again" Andrew said

"Okay" I said and started to leave

"Be careful kid" Andrew said and I nodded and left

Your p.o.v

"What if he's like rly rly rly hurt?!" I asked

"It's going to be fine-" Tony started

"Don't tell me that it's going to be f*cking fine! Because it f*cking won't!" I yelled

"Cody I think you and the others should leave" Chase told Cody and he understood and left

"I f*cking hate this shit!" I yelled

"Why always him?? WHY ALWAYS HIM!?" I screamed and started to cry and went to my room.

Are we ever going to find him? Is he okay? he dead?

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