||Chapther twenty five||

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Chase p.o.v

Yeah, Y/n hasn't told anyone about what happend at the party she is afraid no one will believe her and at least just hate her. We need to bring Nick's memories back as soon as possible I mean she is feeling rly bad without him. All I gotta say is that I have a plan and Addison will help me and not even realize it.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked

"Nothing.." Y/n said sad

"Okay I thought only us guys were going to do something today, can't you girls like girls to the beach or something?" Chase said

"I'll love that, girls day!" Addison said

"We are in!" Avani and Charli said too

"Can't I hang out with the guys today Chase??" Y/n asked

"Sorry go to the beach, I will try to bring some of Nick memories back, I'm putting a movie on" Chase said

"Alright I'll go to the beach" Y/n said

"YAY, fun!" Addison said

Your p.o.v

So I didn't want to stay and watch a crappy film anyway.. So I put this swimwear on:

I left with the girls and made an Instagram post like I usually do and the other girls did the same

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I left with the girls and made an Instagram post like I usually do and the other girls did the same

I left with the girls and made an Instagram post like I usually do and the other girls did the same

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@y/n_y/l/n Hanging out with the girlss

Tagged:@avani @addisonraee @charlidamelio

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@lilhuddy FUNNNNNN

@nickaustin wow and I'm sitting here and watching a bad movie

@addisonraee @nickaustin babe I told u not to let Chase pick movie

"So want to go home" I asked

"Sure" Charli said

"I'm actually getting a bit tired" Avani said

Chase p.o.v

The plan was going amazing now I was watching Harry Potter with Nick and was almost done. He actually even told me the movie was great and he said he rememberd a bit from last time we saw it with the girls, that's amazinggg

The girls got home and they went upstairs to change, and it even turned out so good that Y/n was wearing exact the same thing she had the night Nick kissed her! Ijust hope this works!

"Let's play truth or dare!" I suggested

"Alright!" The rest said

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