Chapther fifty eighth

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Your p.o.v

I woke up the next but it was Chase that woke me up.

"Sooo we are doing a fun thing no phone in a week" he said and took my phone

"Hahaha funny! Now give back my phone Chase" I demanded and stood up

"Just one week, please" Chase begged

"Why? Give me good reasons" I commanded

"I can't sorry we all already agree to it" Chase said

"Kouvr! Did you guys agree on not using the phone on one week" I asked

"What Hahah no or wait.. yes we did" she said and obviously lied

"Okay then" I said and both of them left and started to whisper things to each others the only thing I heard was Nick...I needed to know

I put this on:

(Question do you like this story with pictures or should I not put pictures?)

And when no one saw I left and went back to that little store, I hoped that Cody was there

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And when no one saw I left and went back to that little store, I hoped that Cody was there. And yesss he was

"Hi Cody!" I screamed

"Oh hi Y/n how are you?" He asked

"Better it's just that I think that my friends are lying to me, even Chase" I said

"Huh why do you think that?" He asked

"Well I woke up and the first thing they did was to take my phone, they said we wouldn't use the phone for one week. And well that is how long it takes for something to relax, you know on socialmedia" I said

"Yeah I understand, uhm do you think it's about that friend of yours?" Cody asked.

"Yeah maybe I'm kinda worried" I said and hoped he would let me see his phone

"Uhm I guess you can take my phone. Here" he said and handed his phone over to me

"Oh I don't need to-" I said

"Do it, if you are worried you should see if its about him" Cody said

"Oh okay thank you so much" I said and searched on "Nick Austin", well f*ck this gotta be a joke! The articles wrote things like this:

-Nick Austin kissing Addison Rae see the video here-

-Addison Rae and Nick Austin officially a couple-

-Nick Austin sweet as always kisses his girlfriend after long flight-

-The best and newest hype house couple Nick Austin and Addison Rae, what's their ship name??-

And well as stupid as I am, I needed to se if this was true and clicked on the video that said that HE KISSED HER not the opposite. It was true, I started to cry like a lot and Cody took the phone

"Isn't this a good thing?" He asked

Then I heard someone enter the store, I didn't look back at first but then I heard his voice

"Cody don't give her your phone!" Chase yelled

I turned around and he saw my face and understood

"It's too late" Cody said

"Y/n I'm sorry-" Chase said

"Are you dumb or something I could've handle this shit!" I said and my tears started to flow even faster

"You are not handling this in the right way now" Chase said

"Well you could have told me Chase! It's better that I know it from you than from the news!" I yelled and ran away

"Stop!" I heard but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop crying, this couldn't be true! He even said that they were together. HE KISSED HER! I can't handle this anymore, why is it so hard?

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