\Chapther thirty four\

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Tony's p.o.v

What the hell? Why did Addison do all of that?! She's crazy!

"Tony...You are the only one who knows except for Chase so this shows I trust you, pls just don't be mad. I'm kinda over it" Y/n said

"Over it? How can you be over it?! She freaking drugged you! And who knows it could've been her who was in the car!" I yelled

"Nah, it wasn't her it can't be.  She isn't that crazy" Y/n said

"I wouldn't been surprised.." I said

"Just let's go inside" Y/n said

When we went inside Avani said she wanted to talk with me. So we went to her room

"Okay Tony what's up?" Avani asked me

"What do you mean?" I asked her but totally got what she meant

"Come on! You know what I mean. What is going on with you and   Y/n?" Avani asked me

"Nothing, can't friend hang out?" I asked

"Ofc friends can, it just seem like it was more when we where in the car. Just don't butcher again" Avani said and left the room

I could never hurt her again, that was easily the biggest mistake in my life.

"What did she say?" Y/n asked me when I entered her room

"She thinks we are together.." I said to her

"What did you say??" Y/n asked me

"That friends could hang out, nothing else. She just don't want you to get hurt" I said to Y/n and gave her a hug. Then Nick interrupted us, again.

"Guyss- uhm am I interrupting something?" Nick asked and we pulled away.

"No, what's up?" Y/n asked him

"We're planning the party downstairs" Nick said

"Alright bro, still can't believe Thomas is letting us have a party this is goingto be amazing!" I said

"Yes it is!" Y/n said happily

We went downstairs and we started to plan the party, it was pretty fun but Nick was rly clingy. And not over Addison, over Y/n. It actually rly annoyed me but I was trying to keep things chill. He was all:

"I love Y/n ideas"

"That's right Y/n"

"Love how you're thinking Y/n"

"Your the best Y/n"

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