Author note

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Cover and banner made by scmimi go and check out their work


I have asked for permission to write this story from CrystalScherer as a fan-made ish story.

Please do not copy my story.

These are MY OWN characters completely made up by ME so please do not steal my characters.

Excuse all the grammar and spelling mistakes the book is currently undergoing edits but point them out to help my poor to non-existent grammar and spelling.

I would love to have your opinions on how to improve my writing to help make the story more enjoyable. RESPECTFUL criticism is very important for improvement.

Comment, vote, and share. Any little bit will be appreciated.

This is my first ever book so the writing is sloppy. Undergoing deep edits and reworking (coming hopefully soon)

Check out my other stories (the writing might be a little better)

Trapped in The House of Gold (dark romance) - ongoing
Minds (paranormal) - ongoing

happy reading.
Hope you like it.

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