The New Member

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Remus lupin was sitting in a chair listening to Alastor, Mad-eye, Moody. They were in a meeting with a secret society that rebelled against Lord Voldemort, An evil wizard who was planning to take over the wizarding world. He was tired and aching and wanted to get to bed. Remus Lupin was a werewolf and he was still in pain from his last transformation which had happened a week ago.
'Hurry up and tell everyone about the new member, Moody,' yawned Sirius, Remus's good friend. 'We're tired.'
'I was just getting to that,' growled Moody. 'We have a new member, everyone. The person who is about to enter this room is called Nymphadora tonks. She is an auror at the ministry and she will be a very useful spy for us.'
A young woman walked into the room and smiled round at everyone.
'Wotcher, everyone,' she said cheerfully, 'Please call me Tonks. I'd like to forget my first name.'
Remus chuckled slightly, drawing the woman's attention and she grinned at him.
'You'd feel the same way if you had that name.'
It was then that Remus noticed her bubblegum pink hair. He looked curiously at her. He couldn't deny that it suited her very well.
'Tonks is a metamorphmagus,' said Sirius. 'It means she can change her appearance at will.'
Remus looked at her, impressed.
'I've heard of that. They're supposed to be really rare aren't they?'
'Yeah, it's a pretty fun skill to have,' said Tonks grinning, 'It's great for pranks and disguising myself.'
Remus chuckled. 'I can imagine.' He remembered his school days in which he had been part of the group called the marauders. They had been the school pranksters and he looked back on those years with fond memories.
'Shut it you three!' said Moody to Remus, tonks and Sirius. 'We have business to attend to. You will all be patrolling different places in pairs. Remus and Tonks, you will be watching Malfoy Manor. Try to watch out for any death eater activity.
Remus and Tonks smiled at each other. Remus was looking forward to getting to know the young auror.
'Finally, a fun task!' Said Tonks.
Confused, Remus looked at her, 'what do you mean?' He asked.
'I've always been given really boring tasks by the ministry,' said Tonks, 'finally i've been given a fun task.'
Remus smiled.
'Didn't I tell you two to shut it?' Growled Moody.
'Sorry,' said Remus and Tonks together.
'Good.' Said Moody. 'This meeting is over. You leave in your pairs tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning.' And with that, Moody stood up and left the room.
Remus smiled at Tonks. 'See you tomorrow at 9:00 then I suppose...' he said.
She nodded, smiling, 'see you,' she said. And she went upstairs to the room in which she was staying and Remus went to his room and they both fell asleep, not knowing how much meeting each other was going to impact their lives forever...

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