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Remus's P.O.V.

A month later, Remus and Tonks were staying at the burrow and they went downstairs to find the minister of magic in the living room. Remus looked at him in surprise.
'Oh...Hello Scrimgeour...' he said.
Scrimgeour looked at him coldly.
'Oh look, the werewolf.' 
Tonks glared at him.
'Don't be rude to him'
'quiet Nymphadora!'
Tonks opened her mouth to shout something to the minister but Remus squeezed her hand.
'Shhh...' he whispered, 'it'll be fine, just ignore him.'
'I wish to speak to you alone Lupin.' said Scrimgeour.
Remus squeezed Tonks's hand again.
'Of course,' he said to Scrimgeour. 'I'll be right back,' he whispered to Tonks and left the room, leaving Tonks looking worried after him.
When they were outside in the garden, Remus turned to face Scrimgeour.
'What did you want to talk about?' He asked.
'Are you going out with Nymphadora?' Asked Scrimgeour.
Remus looked at him in surprise.
'Why do you want to know?'
'Because, I just wanted to tell you that if you stay with her, she will lose her job at the ministry. Our workers can't date a werewolf.'
Remus stared at him.
'What?' He asked, quietly.
'You heard me!' Said Scrimgeour. 'Now, if I were you, I would go inside right now and dump her.'
Remus glared at him.
'I can't dump her! I love her!' He shouted.
'If you don't she will lose her job. I'm sure you don't want that on your conscience do you?'
Remus stared at him. He didn't want to dump her. He had made that mistake before...Those months away from her had been the worst months of his life.
' can't fire someone for dating a werewolf...' he said.
'Actually I can,' said Scrimgeour. 'You have five minutes to do it and if you don't I will fire her. And you can't tell her I made you. You have to tell her that you're too old, poor and dangerous for her.'
Remus looked down with tears in his eyes. He had to do it. He had to dump her...otherwise she would lose her job.
'Fine...' He muttered and went inside to Tonks.
'Remus?' She asked him when he went inside. 
He saw her look at the tears in his eyes.
'What's wrong?'
'I'm sorry Dora...' He whispered. 'I love you...I really do...But I can't be with you...'
She stared at him.
'This is to do with Scrimgeour isn't it?' She asked.
'N...No...I'm too old...' he murmured. 'Too poor, too dangerous...It was a mistake to get back with you...' he said.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes.
'I thought we went over this, Remus!' She shouted. 'I don't care!'
'I'm sorry Dora,' he said, hating himself. 
He hated seeing her like this. He saw her hair turning mousy brown again and wished he could take it all back but he knew he couldn't...He kissed her on the lips and felt her kiss back but then he pulled out of the kiss and turned away.
'I'm sorry...' He whispered and turned away and walked out of the burrow.
'Happy now?' He spat at Scrimgeour. 'I've done it. You've successfully ruined my life. I hope never to see you again!' He shouted at him and disapparated.
Scrimgeour smirked and disapparated.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks fell to her knees, crying. She thought they had been over this!  When would Remus realise that she didn't care? Would he ever come back? Would she ever see him again...? Molly came into the room and saw her crying.
'What's wrong Tonks?' She asked her.
Tonks told her about everything that had just happened and when she was finished, Molly stared at her in shock. 
'He left you...? Again?'
Tonks nodded, shakily. Molly pulled her up off the floor into a tight hug.
'It'll be ok Tonks...' she whispered. 'He'll come back...and when he does he'll have me to deal with.'
'Thank you Molly...' replied Tonks, shaking slightly.
'Come on dear. Let's bring you upstairs to bed. You need rest.' Molly said kindly and led her upstairs to the spare room and left her to get dressed. Tonks got dressed and got in bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Her dreams were haunted by Remus dumping her over and over again and then being killed. She cried in her sleep. She didn't know that Remus was sleeping in his old apartment, having the same dreams but with her being killed. She didn't know that Remus wished he could take it back. She didn't know that Remus wished he could be lying next to Tonks again. His Dora...She didn't know how much he wished he could feel her lips on his...She didn't know...

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