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It had been two weeks since the incident with Greyback, and Remus had not gotten any better. Tonks was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at his face with tears in her eyes. It was going to be the full moon tonight...How would the transformation affect Remus's health...? She knew he wouldn't wake up during the full moon, even though he is stronger while he's a werewolf...He was too injured...She knew he would just get even more hurt...what if he didn't survive this transformation? She looked down as more tears fell down her eyes. She didn't want to think about a world without him in it...

That evening, Tonks was sitting in Percy's room, watching Remus transform. She was desperately trying to stop the blood that was now coming out of fresh cuts. His old cuts were also opening. He was going pale and his breathing was becoming more hoarse. She started sobbing.
'Remus...Please be ok...' She whispered.
Finally, Remus finished transforming completely and he lay still in his werewolf form, blood staining the sheets around him. Tonks stayed up all night, looking sadly at him. In the morning, he transformed back and she put his head on her lap and brushed his hair out of his face. She decided she should check out his injuries now. She pulled off his shirt and was relieved to see that they weren't as bad as normal. She supposed it was because he wasn't awake so he couldn't bite and scratch himself. He still had quite a few cuts, though, and she got some bandages and quickly put them on his wounds. She brushed her lips, softly, against his.
'Please wake up Remus...' She whispered.

Two months later, Tonks was getting even more worried. Remus had been unconscious for ages...What if he didn't wake up? What if he didn't make it...? She was scared for him.
'Why is it always you Remus...?' She murmured, brushing her hand over his cheek. It was nearly the christmas holidays. She didn't want the christmas holidays to be spent worrying about Remus...She could only hope he would wake up before then.
An hour later, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She sobbed and sobbed.
'Remus're scaring me...'
A few moments later, she felt a hand on her cheek and she felt it wipe the tears off her face. She heard a soft voice saying:
'Dora...Don't cry...'
She looked up. It was Remus! For a moment she stared at him in shock. Then she hugged him tightly and buried her face in his neck.
'Remus! You're alive...' she said.
He smiled softly at her, 'Of course I am,' he whispered.
'I was so worried...' She murmured.
Remus brushed her hair out of her face, 'I'm sorry...For everything.' He whispered.
He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around him.
'Does this mean you forgive me?' Asked Remus, breaking the kiss and looking into her eyes.
'Yes...I forgive you.' She said, smiling. 'Sorry for not forgiving you before...I regretted it as soon as you left...I thought I'd lost my chance...that I'd never see you again...'
'Don't apologise, Dora...It's my fault for leaving you in the first place...Those months away from you were the worst in my life...I never want to experience that again' He said.
'Neither do I, Remus...' Tonks replied, softly. 
'I love you Dora...' Remus murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear.
'I love you too Remus...' replied Tonks

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