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'Come on, open up!' muttered Tonks. 'Remus is hurt, please open up...'
The door was pulled open and she saw Sirius look worried at his friend.
'What happened?' He asked.
'No time to explain. Just help bring him to his room!'
Sirius held Remus by the legs while Tonks held him by the arms and together they carried him upstairs until they reached his room and laid him carefully on the bed. Tonks pulled the duvet over him and sat on the edge of his bed.
'How did he get like this?' Asked Sirius, 'Who did this to him?'
'Dolohov,' said Tonks, 'I had gotten hit with crucio so I was already weak, and then he tried to hit me with his purple flame curse and Remus jumped in front of me and took it straight to the chest...'
Sirius looked pale, 'Isn't that curse meant to be fatal...?'
'Not always, but often,' Tonks sniffed. 'Why did he have to jump in front of me...?'
Sirius didn't reply, and avoided her eyes.
'Well, he had better not die...' Said Tonks, worried.
'He'll...He'll be fine,' said Sirius, 'he's strong.'
Five days later, Remus still hadn't woken up. Tonks had been getting more worried every day and she was starting to fear that he would never wake up. She was on the edge of his bed again. Why couldn't she have been stronger in that battle? Why couldn't she just dodge the curse? Then no one would have been hurt. Deep down, however, she knew that there was no way she could have dodged that curse when she was already that weak from the cruciatus curse.
'Please wake up, Remus...' She whispered. 'Otherwise I won't be able to live with myself.'
She sat there for a few minutes when suddenly she felt Remus move a bit. She looked up hopefully and saw his eyes begin to open.
'Remus!' She smiled at him in relief. 'Are you ok?'
His eyes opened properly and he smiled softly at her.
'I'm fine.' He said, weakly.
She looked worried at him. 'Are you sure?' She asked.
'I'm sure.' He confirmed, 'I'm just a bit weak still. But i'll recover...Did you get away from those death eaters then? Or did you get backup?'
She smiled, 'I got away from them. When you got hit with that curse, I was really angry. I suppose that helped me get rid of them...'
'Well done,' He said, 'you're a really good fighter. Especially since you were already weak from that cruciatus curse...How long have I been unconscious for?'
'Five days,' she said, 'I was so worried...'
'Well there was nothing to worry about,' he said, smiling. Then his smile faltered.
'What's wrong Remus?' asked Tonks, worried.
'It's just...I've just remembered it's full moon tonight...I haven't been drinking my wolfsbane potion for the last five days'
As he said that, Sirius came in and heard him.
'Don't worry, i've been giving you your potion while you've been unconscious. I'm glad you're awake, Remus. Are you feeling ok?'
'I'm fine,' said Remus, 'and thanks for giving me the potion, Sirius. You're a lifesaver.'
'No problem,' said Sirius, smiling.
'Does it hurt? Transforming?' asked Tonks.
'Yeah it does,' said Remus, 'But not as badly as when I haven't had the potion.'
Tonks sighed, 'sorry you have to deal with this Remus...' She said.
'It's fine,' he smiled sadly, 'i'm used to it.'
'Do you know who bit you?' She asked.
Remus grimaced, 'Fenrir Greyback,' he said, with gritted teeth, 'first I felt sorry for the werewolf that had bitten me. I thought they had no control over their actions. But I was wrong. Fenrir Greyback enjoys biting children. Every full moon, he positions himself near a house so that he will bite the person living there. He is getting better at controlling his thoughts while he is a werewolf, which makes him even more dangerous...' He said, quietly. 'He targeted me because my father had tried to convince the ministry that he was a werewolf.'
'I'm sorry,' sighed Tonks.
Remus smiled, 'it isn't your fault.'

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