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It had been 4 months since Remus had left for his mission and no one had heard anything from him. Tonks was worried. Very worried. What if he was hurt? What if he was...dead? She was looking at a photo of her and Remus in the park and she started crying. She missed him. She missed waking up to his chocolate brown eyes and handsome smile. She missed the feeling of his lips on hers and his arms wrapped around her. Every morning, she woke up expecting to see him next to her and then remembering that he was gone...and that he might never come back...The door opened and Sirius came in. He must be worried as well. This was, after all, his best friend since childhood. He sat down next to her and looked down. He hugged her tight.
'Everything will be ok Tonks...' he whispered softly. 'He'll come back from this mission and you two will get back together and life will go on as usual. He'll regret breaking up with you...He'll ask for you to take him back. I'm sure of it...'
Tonks didn't think he would though. She didn't think he would return from the mission. Sighing, Sirius got up and left the room. She lay down in bed and tried to go to sleep. She struggled to sleep. Her thoughts were all about Remus...Wondering if he was alive...Wondering if he would ever return...After a while she managed to fall asleep, but she dreamt over and over again about Remus's death.

Remus's P.O.V.

It had now been 7 months since Remus went undercover. He was sitting in his small, smelly room, staring at a photo of him and Tonks kissing. It was taken on the day they first got together. He felt tears welling in his eyes. He got up. He had to fix this. He had to apologise. He didn't want to die on this mission without having done that...He only hoped she would accept his apology...He disapparated to Grimmauld place and opened the door and walked quietly to Tonks's room. He knocked on the door.
'Come in...' came the voice from inside.

He pushed open the door and saw Tonks sitting on her bed...her hair mousy brown and she looked thin and her eyes no longer had their spark in them. She hadn't looked up yet to see who it was. He took a deep breath.
'Dora...' he whispered.
She looked up and then quickly looked down again.
'I...I wanted to apologise...I understand if you don't accept my apology...' he said.
'Go away Remus...' she said, quietly.
Tears fell down his cheeks and he looked down.
'I understand...' he said, his voice breaking, 'I just wanted to apologise case something happens to me on this mission and I hadn't said this...I love you Dora...' He turned around and left the room and walked outside, tears fogging his vision.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks got up with tears in her eyes.
'Remus...wait...' she whispered.
She ran outside after Remus and saw him disapparate.
'I love you too...' she whispered.
She started crying and ran back to her room and sat on her bed. That was her only chance to get Remus back and she blew it! She couldn't believe how stupid she had been. She sobbed and sobbed until she couldn't cry anymore tears and she fell asleep.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus apparated back to his room in the hideout and collapsed on his bed, tears streaming down his face.
'I was a fool to think she would forgive me!' He shouted, 'A fool!'
He punched himself repeatedly on the face until he passed out and landed with a thud on the cold, hard floor and lay still.

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