Battle of the department of mysteries

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A month had passed since the fight in Diagon alley and Remus was now fully recovered. Tonks woke up in Remus's arms and smiled. She loved waking up like this. She felt so safe in his arms. She gently shook Remus. He yawned and opened his eyes.
'Good morning beautiful,' he murmured and placed a kiss on her lips.
She smiled and kissed back.
'Good morning, Remus' She whispered.
He brushed some hair out of her face and smiled softly.
'You wanna go downstairs?' Remus asked her.
She nodded. They got out of bed and got dressed and then they went downstairs hand in hand.

Remus's P.O.V.

They had just finished breakfast when Sirius came running in, his face pale.
'What's wrong?' Asked Remus.
'It's Harry,' panted Sirius, 'Voldemort made him think he was torturing me and he went to the department of mysteries to rescue me...'
Remus jumped up from his chair. They had to rescue Harry before it was too late. Tonks jumped up next to him.
'Sirius, you should stay here.' said Remus.
'Are you mental! I'm coming!' Shouted Sirius angrily.
'If you get caught-'
'I don't care! I'm coming to save my godson whether you like it or not!'
'Fine...' said Remus, sighing, 'but don't say I didn't warn you.'

They all apparated to the ministry and ran to the department of mysteries and burst into a room and saw Harry and his friends. Harry was in the centre of the room and Lucius Malfoy was holding the prophecy. His friends were all being held captive by death eaters. Sirius ran up to Lucius.
'Get away from my Godson!' He said and punched Lucius.
Remus and tonks freed Harry's friends and a massive fight began. Soon, Remus was locked in a fierce battle with Dolohov and next to him he could see Tonks fighting Bellatrix.
'I'm going to kill you, werewolf,' snarled Dolohov.
'I don't think so!' Said Remus, calmly and kept shooting curses at him.
Bellatrix was cackling at Tonks.
'Your boyfriend can't protect you now Nymphadora.'
Remus glared at Bellatrix out of the corner of his eye and wanted to help but he knew he couldn't. To his horror, he saw an unknown spell from Bellatrix hit Tonks right in the chest.
'NO!' He shouted as Tonks screamed and was thrown into the air.
Tonks fell to the ground and slid down the stone steps. She stopped at the bottom of the steps and lay still.
'DORA!' He yelled.
He saw Bellatrix cackle and start fighting Sirius.
'Is your girlfriend ok?' sneered Dolohov.
'SHUT IT!' Shouted Remus.
He felt tears prick his eyes but wiped them away hastily and sent spell after spell at Dolohov, finally knocking him out. He ran to Tonks and kneeled down next to her.
He felt for a pulse and found a weak one. He kissed her softly on the lips and held her hand.
'Come on Dora...' He whispered. 'Don't leave me...'
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sirius jump in front of a curse Bellatrix had sent at Harry and saw him about to fall into the veil. He saw Harry pull him back and put his unconscious body on the floor. Then Harry tried to run after Bellatrix. Remus scrambled up and ran to Harry and held him back.
'Let me go!' Shouted Harry.
Harry managed to free himself from Remus's grip and ran after Bellatrix into the next room. Remus pulled Sirius over to Tonks and checked if he had a pulse. To his relief, he did. He was just passed out. Remus picked up Tonks and held her to his chest. He saw Moody wake up. He had also been unconscious. Moody ran towards them.
'Are they alright?' He asked.
'Sirius is fine...I'm not so sure about Dora...' He said, his voice breaking.
He desperately tried to wake Tonks up but nothing he tried would work. Then Dumbledore came into the room carrying Harry. Why was everyone getting hurt?
'What happened to him?' He asked Dumbledore.
'Voldemort tried to possess him from the inside out...' said Dumbledore.
Remus was horrified.
'Voldemort was here?'
Dumbledore nodded. Then he saw Tonks and Sirius.
'It looks like Tonks needs to go to St Mungo's...' He said, concerned. 'Moody, can you bring Sirius to headquarters?'
Moody nodded and left with Sirius. Remus wiped more tears from his eyes and disapparated to St Mungo's with Tonks in his arms.

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